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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


It really seems as though the top-trending cookies on this site are aligning perfectly with the feeling in my community. I noticed an increased number of Day of the Dead celebrations (my goodness, those decorations are beautiful!) and now Christmas decorations are appearing all over the place. I will never say no to a reason to celebrate (particularly in these trying times). So, I say bring it on!

And, as I indicated at the start, this week's hot list* does not disappoint.

Let the celebrating begin!

#1: Unpainted Santa Royal Icing Transfer by Tina at Sugar Wishes (@Tina at Sugar Wishes' Santa has so much texture and detail. Tina was also kind enough to share her creation process, so be sure to check out the comments under her post.)
#1 - Unpainted Santa Royal Icing Transfer by Tina at Sugar Wishes

#2: Sweet Stitch by Peg Redman (Not once, but twice! That's how many times this cute guy has appeared in our Spotlight. Congratulations, @Peg Redman!)
#2 - Sweet Stitch by Peg Redman

#3: Woodland Animals Christmas Ornaments by Gingerland (These edible ornaments really capture the natural beauty of the season, don't you think?)
#3 - Woodland animals xmas ornaments by Gingerland

#4: Norwegian Christmas Trees by Gingerland (@Gingerland does it again, appearing for the second time this week with these monochrome delights! What an achievement!)
#4 - Norwegian xmas tree by Gingerland

#5: Fun Family Christmas Cookies by vivi (This cheery set makes me smile each time I see it. It also makes excellent use of Eddie, the edible printer. Great job mastering this cutting-edge cookie technology, @vivi.)
#5 - Fun Family Christmas Cookies by vivi

#6: Autumn Moon Cookies by Elizabeth B. (This set is so striking - I can't pick a favorite. Incredible piping, @Elizabeth B.)
#6 - Autumn Moon Cookies by Elizabeth B.

#7: Day of the Dead! by Tina at Sugar Wishes (There is so much to appreciate here. Stunning design, @Tina at Sugar Wishes. Kudos as well on your second mention of the week!)
#7 - Day of the Dead! by Tina at Sugar Wishes

#8: 'Tis The Season by The Vintage Cookie Jar (Such a peaceful, zen-like baking vibe! This set depicts my state of mind so perfectly that I decided to feature it as this week's cover image. Congratulations, @The Vintage Cookie Jar!)
#8 - 'Tis The Season by The Vintage Cookie Jar

#9: Dia de los Muertos by Elizabeth B. (This colorful collection is @Elizabeth B.'s second post that's on an upward trend this week. And, it's another example of her terrific piping skills!)
#10 - Dia de los Muertos by Elizabeth B.

#10: Hard Work by yokko (@yokko has given us the perfect combination of artistry and whimsy.)
#10 - hard work by yokko

This week's collection brought me so much joy. And inspiration! Thank you to everyone who shared their work. Keep it coming! I can think of no better way to start the new week than with a vision of Santa that culminates with a cherry on top!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy week.

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Lisa Foss is a hobbyist cookie decorator. After careers in corporate communications and freelance writing, she focused her attention on the nonprofit sector. She spent more than a decade at various soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and prison reentry programs throughout New York City. Lisa’s cookie journey began in 2011 when she started making gingerbread houses. After getting a handle on construction, she focused on improving her decorating skills through books, videos, and online tutorials. This exploration brought her to Cookie Connection, which has provided her with an incredible community to learn from and grow with. Though she enjoys making cookies for family and friends, Lisa’s main focus is cookies for charity.

For more information about Lisa and her work, please check out her Facebook and Instagram pages.

Byline photo credit: Shutterstock

Note: Saturday Spotlight is a weekly Cookie Connection blog feature written alternately by Lisa Foss and Julia M. Usher. Its primary intent is to cast a spotlight on the week's top-trending cookie posts, as determined automatically by the site algorithms described above. This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To see all of Cookie Connection's past Saturday Spotlights, click here.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - November 11, 2023: Cookies and Photo by The Vintage Cookie Jar; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Unpainted Santa Royal Icing Transfer: By Tina at Sugar Wishes
  • #2 - Sweet Stitch: By Peg Redman
  • #3 - Woodland Animals Christmas Ornaments: By Gingerland
  • #4 - Norwegian Christmas Trees: By Gingerland
  • #5 - Fun Family Christmas Cookies: By vivi
  • #6 - Autumn Moon Cookies: By Elizabeth B.
  • #7 - Day of the Dead!: By Tina at Sugar Wishes
  • #8 - 'Tis The Season: By The Vintage Cookie Jar
  • #9 - Dia de los Muertos: By Elizabeth B.
  • #10 - Hard Work: By yokko

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Wonderful work, everyone! As you can see, I posted @LisaF's Spotlight a bit earlier than usual. (I'll be assisting my husband and his farm partners' at their last farmer's market of the season, starting bright and early tomorrow, so I wasn't sure when I would be able to post tomorrow. We're hoping for a super busy day at the farm stand!) I'll be back late Saturday night with badges for the honorees, and the associated social media posts are scheduled to appear by early afternoon tomorrow. Have a great weekend, and thanks again to Lisa for this roundup.

Julia, I must say you lead an interesting and diverse life! I hope the Farmers Market ends the season successfully.
Thank you for the Spotlights! It’s always nice to have our work noticed.

You continue to work hard to provide us with a beautiful unique platform to share our art.
For that I thank you once again.

Congratulations to the other artist.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!

Julia, I must say you lead an interesting and diverse life! I hope the Farmers Market ends the season successfully.
Thank you for the Spotlights! It’s always nice to have our work noticed.

You continue to work hard to provide us with a beautiful unique platform to share our art.
For that I thank you once again.

Congratulations to the other artist.
Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!

Thanks, my friend! My life is so diverse at times, it's overwhelming, and I can't keep track of where I'm headed next. Part of me yearns for a simpler life, but, then again, I'm not sure I am capable of sitting still for very long. LOL!

Thanks, my friend! My life is so diverse at times, it's overwhelming, and I can't keep track of where I'm headed next. Part of me yearns for a simpler life, but, then again, I'm not sure I am capable of sitting still for very long. LOL!

You’d get very bored way too quickly. I know too well. My life is very simple.
There is plenty of time for rest when the time comes to slow down for simpler.
We owe it to ourselves to always push to be all we can. That’s how I was raised. (I should listen to my own advice 😂)

Happy Holidays  ♥️

wow!! those are the most beautiful cookies that I have ever seen in my life. I wonder how it tastes and how can they even possibly create them, just too beautiful to be true

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