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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


It's fall, y'all! The weather in my area is still a bit warmer than I would prefer, but I definitely have all the fall feels. It seems as though many of you do too, which is why this week's hot list* is filled with such a wealth of seasonal celebrations.

Speaking of seasonal celebrations, @Aproned Artist just posted a new Halloween tutorial. In case you haven't seen it, I can assure you that it's a spook-tacular fest of mediums and techniques! I hear from Julia that @Manu biscotti decorati has an equally impressive Halloween tutorial that will be coming in a couple of days. And, of course, don't forget to take advantage of the other ongoing treats publicized on this site: (1) 15% off The Bake Fest Holiday Edition, a fabulous online baking and decorating event (use Julia's exclusive code JULIAMUSHER15 at checkout); (2) a discounted bundle of tutorials by Cookie Connection members, filmed for past Watch-Learn-Create challenges; and (3) a discounted Halloween tutorial bundle, also courtesy of Julia.

All of these treats are quite delicious, without the extra calories! 😉

Okay. Enough Cookie Connection housekeeping! Let's take a look at what's been trending this past week.

#1: Hello, Autumn! by Gingerland (With a scrumptious color palette and perfect piping, this set is such a tasty representation of the season that Julia and I decided to feature it as this week's cover art. Congratulations, @Gingerland.)
#1 - Hello, Autumn! by Gingerland

#2: Rising Marigold by Montserrat Esquivel (I'm not sure about you, but I think this 3-D creation is the perfect blend of beauty and creepiness. Well done, @Montserrat Esquivel.)
#2 - Rising Marygold by Montserrat Esquivel

#3: Welcome, Autumn! by Di Art Sweets (Such a great depiction of forest magic! Always charming, @Di Art Sweets.)
#3 - Welcome, Autumn! by Di Art Sweets

#4: Another Collaboration . . . Cookies and Quilts! by Cookies Fantastique (Be sure to check out the comments section of this clip, where @Cookies Fantastique (aka Carol) describes the important cause behind this set. Never forget that cookies feed both body and soul, magically spreading joy and making them especially meaningful gifts, as Carol shows in spades with this set!)
#4 - Another Collaboration...Cookies and Quilts! by Cookies Fantastique

#5: Mother’s Day ♥️ by Heather Bruce Sosa (@Heather Bruce Sosa has seamlessly incorporated several interesting techniques in this elegant set. Lovely work, Heather!)
#5 - Mother's Day by Heather Bruce Sosa

#6: Altar de Muertos by Montserrat Esquivel (El Día de los Muertos is on glorious display in @Montserrat Esquivel's second featured contribution of the week. Well done!)
#6 - Altar de Muertas by Montserrat Esquivel

#7: Baby Boo on the Way by Maddy D's Sweets (This set is such a fun seasonal take on a baby shower. I think @Maddy D's Sweets' witch silhouette is particularly clever.)
#7 - Baby Boo On the Way by Maddy D's Sweet

#8: Bridal Shower by Maddy D's Sweets (Congratulations again, @Maddy D's Sweets, for two terrific appearances in this week's Spotlight.)
#9 - Bridal Shower by Maddy D's Sweet

#9: Baby Nicole's Cookies by Silviya Mihailova (Here's an oldie but a goodie, trending once again after its original appearance in 2018. This set is surely as adorable as ever, @Silviya Mihailova.)
#9 - Baby Nicole's Cookies by Silviya Mihailova

#10: 21st Birthday by Lola Willard (This collection tells us so much about the recipient. Incredible details, @Lola Willard.)
#10 - 21st Birthday by Lola Willard

How's that for a fall celebration? I hope you too have all the fall feels. I'm looking forward to leaning into the season even more as we head into October!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Lisa Foss is a hobbyist cookie decorator. After careers in corporate communications and freelance writing, she focused her attention on the nonprofit sector. She spent more than a decade at various soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and prison reentry programs throughout New York City. Lisa’s cookie journey began in 2011 when she started making gingerbread houses. Though she enjoys making cookies for family and friends, Lisa’s main focus is cookies for charity.

For more information about Lisa and her work, please check out her Facebook and Instagram pages.

Byline photo credit: Shutterstock

Note: Saturday Spotlight is a weekly Cookie Connection blog feature written alternately by Lisa Foss and Julia M. Usher. Its primary intent is to cast a spotlight on the week's top-trending cookie posts, as determined automatically by the site algorithms described above. This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To see all of Cookie Connection's past Saturday Spotlights, click here.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - September 28, 2024: Cookies and Photo by Gingerland; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Hello, Autumn!: By Gingerland
  • #2 - Rising Marigold: By Montserrat Esquivel
  • #3 - Welcome, Autumn!: By Di Art Sweets
  • #4 - Another Collaboration . . . Cookies and Quilts!: By Cookies Fantastique
  • #5 - Mother’s Day ♥️: By Heather Bruce Sosa
  • #6 - Altar de Muertas: By Montserrat Esquivel
  • #7 - Baby Boo on the Way: By Maddy D's Sweets
  • #8 - Bridal Shower: By Maddy D's Sweets
  • #9 - Baby Nicole's Cookies: By Silviya Mihailova
  • #10 - 21st Birthday: By Lola Willard

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Surprise - I've posted a bit earlier than usual! I've got a weekend loaded with The Bake Fest prep and presidential campaign volunteering, so I needed to get a head start on posting! Thanks to @LisaF for compiling this wonderful roundup this week. And congrats to all of our honorees. Your badges will be coming later tonight, and the post will hit social media at 11am CT on Saturday. Stay tuned!

UPDATE (9/27, 11:30pm CT): Honorees, your badges have been sent via Cookie Connection PM! 😀

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Thanks so, so much, dear Cookie Connection, Julia and Lisa for your hard work!
My entry is little different to most of the spotlighted beauties. It will be Mother’s Day in Argentina on 19th October and I’m adventuring -quite nervously- into teaching this set. ♥️

Thanks so, so much, dear Cookie Connection, Julia and Lisa for your hard work!
My entry is little different to most of the spotlighted beauties. It will be Mother’s Day in Argentina on 19th October and I’m adventuring -quite nervously- into teaching this set. ♥️

Best of luck with the class! I am sure it will go well - but keep us posted. It's a lovely set!

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