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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Food Lookalike Cookies


Around Tuesday of this week, with the release of Fall Cookie-A-Thon and the soon-to-be-released holiday edition of The Bake Fest looming large, my mind unexpectedly wandered from summertime-present to the future promise of pumpkin and pecan pies, spice lattes, candy apples, and all manner of autumnal treats. I was abruptly awakened from this fall dream state when I spotted the cutest teeny-tiny cookie sweets by Cookie Connection contributor @LisaF in our home page feed. Ooh, how I love cookie miniatures! After fawning over Lisa's creations for several minutes, my appetite for mini edibles was thoroughly whetted, and so I hopped over to our "Cookies that Look Like Other Food" clip set in search of more. Not every top-trender in that set was a miniature, but each one was a delicious delight worthy of a Spotlight! And so, long story short, here we are with an atypical hot list* featuring submissions in one of our more unique clip sets - food cookies! Yum!

May my mind's meanderings be a reminder to you of the breadth and depth of cookie content cataloged on this site. When you're done perusing this week's honorees, I challenge you to plunge into another obscure clip set and explore the inspiration that's there!

Now, let's feast our eyes (pun intended) on this week's honored cookies, starting with those cuties by Lisa Foss that spurred this Spotlight . . .

#1: Bakery Sweets by LisaF
#1 - Bakery Sweets by LisaF

#2: Chicken Parmesan by sylviawilson [EDITOR'S NOTE: BTW, this previous challenge entry by @sylviawilson is completely edible, from fork and knife to plate and chicken parm on top! Wow! ~JMU]
#2 - Chicken Parmesan by sylviawilson

#3: Fall Miniature Food Cookie by Evelindecora [EDITOR'S NOTE: @Evelindecora combined two of my faves here - fall sweets and miniatures! And she did so quite beautifully! ~JMU]#3 - Fall Miniature Food Cookie by Evelindcora

#4: Boulangerie by Petra Florean [EDITOR'S NOTE: As you can see in this photo's watermark, these cookies were an entry in the same food challenge that resulted in many of the cookies honored this week. Nice work, @Petra Florean! ~JMU]#4 - Boulangerie by Petra Florean

#5: Marie Antoinette Cookies by Compassionate Cake [EDITOR'S NOTE: Au contraire, these cookie cakes might just be too pretty to eat! ~JMU]
#5 - Marie Antoinette Cookies by Compassionate Cake

#6: Plate with Sandwiches by Icingsugarkeks
#6 - Plate with Sandwiches by Icingsugarkeks

#7: Cookie Pops! by Donna Allen
#7 - Cookie Pops! by Donna Allen

#8: Cheers! by Fernwood Cookie#8 - Cheers! by Fernwood Cookie

#9: Royal Icing Sushi Miniatures on Cookie by Evelindecora [EDITOR'S NOTE: Evelin does it again this week with another set of delightful miniatures! I'm not sure you can get more mini than this! The entire cookie is about 2 x 2 inches! ~JMU]#9 - Royal Icing Sushi Miniatures on Cookie by Evelindecora

And, last but certainly not least, the subject of this week's cover image! @Lorena Rodríguez's stunning fall pie cookies earned this coveted spot because they are nothing short of flawless; plus they're so darn lifelike! 👏🏻

#10: Thanksgiving Cookies (Another View) by Lorena Rodríguez
#10 - Thanksgiving Cookies (Another View) by Lorena Rodríguez

I don't know about you, but I'm more hungry than usual after writing and re-reading this post (LOL), so I'm off to grab myself a late-night snack. I'll be back tomorrow (around midday, Saturday) to spread the news of this post on social media! Congrats, honorees! And, again, I encourage everyone to explore the more hidden recesses of this site - there's a treasure trove of rich cookie inspiration almost everywhere you look!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - Fook Lookalikes Edition - July 20, 2024: Cookies and Photo by Lorena Rodríguez; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Bakery Sweets: By LisaF
  • #2 - Chicken Parmesan: By sylviawilson
  • #3 - Fall Miniature Food Cookie: By Evelindecora
  • #4 - Boulangerie: By Petra Florean
  • #5 - Marie Antoinette Cookies: By Compassionate Cake
  • #6 - Plate with Sandwiches: By Icingsugarkeks
  • #7 - Cookie Pops!: By Donna Allen
  • #8 - Cheers!: By Fernwood Cookie
  • #9 - Royal Icing Sushi Miniatures on Cookie: By Evelindecora
  • #10 - Thanksgiving Cookies (Another View): By Lorena Rodríguez

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Aww. Thanks for the shout out @Julia M. Usher. I remember my cookies so well. It was the start of the pandemic and they were such a fun distraction. Thank you for taking your very precious time to compile this. Congratulations to everyone featured.❤️❤️❤️

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