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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Fourth of July Cookies


So this started four days ago . . .


And the chairs go on and on, block after loooong suburban block . . .

I don’t quite understand the local phenomenon of staking out chair space a week before a parade that will take place in 100°F-weather, but I certainly give these Fourth of July zealots credit for marking their territory with such festive flair, LOL . . .


Seriously though, rather than closely guarding coveted parade-watching space, I'd much rather be sharing sweet moments with family and friends in the comfort of my air-conditioned home. And what better sweet things to share than beautifully decorated patriotic cookies?!

With that thought in mind, I leave you tonight with the top-trending Fourth of July cookies from this past week. May this hot list* bring you plenty of inspiration for treats to enjoy with your loved ones. There's still plenty of time to bake before the fireworks start sounding . . . just be sure to keep the A/C cranked and a cool, calm mood in the air. No fighting over front-row seats, please!

#1: Fireworks on Stars by KellyMadeThat
#1 - Fireworks on Stars by KellyMadeThat

#2: Stars by Sweet Prodigy
#2 - Stars by Sweet Prodigy

#3: Blue for You by Teri Pringle Wood
#3 - Blue for You by Teri Pringle Wood

#4: United States of Flowers by Zeena [EDITOR'S NOTE: Made by the talented @Zeena for a previous Cookie Connection challenge, this cookie sings "America the Beautiful" to me! Because it so uniquely conveys the Independence Day spirit, I just had to choose it for this week's cover spot! ~JMU]
#4 - United States of Flowers by Zeena

#5: 4th of July! by ThePinkMixingBowl [EDITOR'S NOTE: Special congrats to @ThePinkMixingBowl for her first appearance in a Spotlight and for the pristine icing on this set! ~JMU]
#5 - 4th of July! by ThePinkMixingBowl

#6: Bald Eagle and Patriotic Star Cookies by The Royal Icing Queen [EDITOR'S NOTE: More first-time kudos to @The Royal Icing Queen. I love this brilliant and bold cookie display. ~JMU]
#6 - Bald Eagle and Patriotic Star Cookies by The Royal Icing Queen

#7: Happy 4th! by The Cookie Monger
#7 - Happy 4th! by The Cookie Monger

#8: Patriotic Hearts by Cookies on Cambridge [EDITOR'S NOTE: You should recognize these stunning cookies from this month's site banner and backdrop. Congrats again to @Cookies on Cambridge for being our July featured site artist. Please stay tuned for her in-depth Cookier Close-up interview, which should come later this month or early August at the latest. ~JMU]
#8 - Patriotic Hearts by Cookies on Cambridge

#9: Summer Fun by katydoescookies [EDITOR'S NOTE: I believe @katydoescookies is a newcomer to our hot list as well. Well done, Katy! Such clean and crisp stenciling! ~JMU]
#9 - Summer Fun by katydoescookies

#10: Stars and Stripes and Doves of Peace by Melissa Joy Fanciful Cookies
#10 - Stars and Stripes and Doves of Peace by Melissa Joy Fanciful Cookies

Thanks to all of our honorees for their wonderfully patriotic contributions! And if I don't "see" the rest of you before next Tuesday, have a great Fourth of July (if you celebrate).

P.S. I wanted to point out that many of this week's featured cookies first posted several years ago, yet they are still trending quite high - hail to the power of a great decorated cookie!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Images (13)
  • Top 10 Fourth of July Cookies Banner - July 1, 2023: Cookie and Flowers by Zeena; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Fourth of July Parade Stake-out in Webster Groves, Missouri: Photo Courtesy of Julia M Usher
  • Closely Guarding Coveted Front-row Parade Seats: Photo Courtesy of Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Fireworks on Stars: By KellyMadeThat
  • #2 - Stars: By Sweet Prodigy
  • #3 - Blue for You: By Teri Pringle Wood
  • #4 - United States of Flowers: By Zeena
  • #5 - 4th of July!: By ThePinkMixingBowl
  • #6 - Bald Eagle and Patriotic Star Cookies: By The Royal Icing Queen
  • #7 - Happy 4th!: By The Cookie Monger
  • #8 - Patriotic Hearts: By Cookies on Cambridge
  • #9 - Summer Fun: By katydoescookies
  • #10 - Stars and Stripes and Doves of Peace: By Melissa Joy Fanciful Cookies

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@LisaF posted:

Such a fun collection! Many congratulations to everyone featured. Thank you Julia for the compilation. I got quite the chuckle from your parade recap @Julia M. Usher. 🤣😝🇺🇸

Yeah, after my first year in Missouri when I attended the parade in 100F weather all by myself (my husband was on call), I vowed never to go again. I don't understand the stake-out mentality on many levels - LOL!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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