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Taste of Spain Giveaway

Today marks my last day of classes in Spain, and it's bittersweet. Sweet, because my host Claudia Cetro and her team of assistants (aka mis amigas queridas) were absolutely fabulous in every respect. I don't even know how to express the joy of witnessing firsthand how something as simple as cookies can unite so many people from all over the world. I met incredible cookiers not just from Spain, but from Israel, Ireland, Argentina, and France. The global cookie community is larger, warmer, more generous, and more into cookies than I ever imagined!


As for the bitter, (1) I've got to leave, and (2) I can't bottle up this moment in time and share every drop with you. But, darn it, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna try . . .




To that end, I've assembled a few of my favorite sweet things gathered while sightseeing on my days off . . . a box of Escribà chocolates, a bundle of artisan turrÓn in four flavors from La Boqueria, and a bottle of the ubiquitous gummy candies from Happy Pills, an all-gummy candy store in the Gothic Quarter.


Giveaway Prizes


(I assure you, these goodies taste far better than they look above. I'm sticking to my same old iPhone excuse for the cruddy photo.)


If you're interested in this small, but sweet taste of Spain, just tell me your favorite confection (of all time) by February 21, 5 pm central time in the comments area below.


Other Giveaway Details:

  • Remember, you must be a Cookie Connection member to comment on this site. To join, just click on "Join Community" in the upper left of our home page and follow the sign-up prompts.
  • The winner will be determined by random number generator at the close of the giveaway. The person whose comment position matches the number drawn by the random number generator will win!
  • Though please note, the prize won't be shipped to the winner until I return to the States, after February 28.

Desde mi corazÓn al tuyo, please enjoy!


Images (2)
  • Taste of Spain Giveaway: Fuzzy Photo Thanks to Julia's iPhone
  • Giveaway Prizes: Fuzzy Photo Thanks to Julia's iPhone

Comments (52)

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My favourite all time sweet are Ashbury's Strawberry Creme's. The are from the UK and hard to find in Australia but so yummy! Would love to try the happy pills! lol 

Never tasted Spain's torrone, but being half Italian I grew up munching Italian torrone which was my favorite candy till I tasted Almond Roca, Oh Man that stuff gives your taste buds quite an orgasm......... who cares about sex?!  I owe a few waist inches to that candy :-)

I love turrón de Jijona and turrón de Alicante, the hard almond and the soft!  There is nothing that make me stop eating the wohle package.  I love them. The soft turrón can be used in cakes or in buttercream and gives wonderful taste.  Here in Mexico we can find it only in December. 

My all time favorite is pecan pralines, of which the ones I make are AMAZING! They have a little golden rum added to them and I was told by a close friend of mine from New Orleans that mine are the best she's ever had.  What a compliment!!!!!!

I have loved Haribo German Gummy Bears since I was three years old best friend was from Germany and every time she would visit or someone from Germany would visit her, we would get the german gummy bears...I have been over the moon since they started selling them years ago in the US! LOVE them...when I was pregant with my son I probably gained a few pounds of gummy bears...

I am kind of partial to milk chocolate!  By daughter and husband LOVE twizzlers... All of us like cookies, and that is a wonderful thing!


THANKS so much for your wonderful posts.  I felt like I was there along with you!

I just adore Pâte de Fruit. I first discovered them years ago in Paris and just love their intense, deeply flavored fruit flavors.  Any time that I am in Europe, I search for them and then bring them home to savor them for as long as I can make them last. I once even found them in Singapore in a little French shop and I and was absolutely thrilled.  One of these days I want to learn to make them myself, but hands down, it is Pâte de Fruit.

lastima Que no tuvieras mas Tiempo Pues te hubiera Llevado un rincón garrapiñadas, LOS pestiños, crema catalana, Mar de Cava, roscos de VINO, MANTECADOS,LA COCA DE VIDRE,BUÑUELOS´,COCAS DE SAN JOAN......ETC 

muchos mas dulces que te encantarian la proxima vez visita obligada para probarlo todo......ya te hecho de menos

Originally Posted by Janet:
My favorite is a cookie I make at Christmas called Pecan Crescents. I would eat them all year round but they have too much butter in them!

Ta da! The random number generator has spoken! The winner of this giveaway, with comment #34 (above), is Janet! Congrats, Janet. I'll be in touch with you shortly to discuss the details of redeeming your prize!




Images (1)
  • Random Number Winner: Janet!
Last edited by Julia M. Usher
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