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Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™

Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ 3rd Virtual Edition: 2024 Competition Overview - March 30 Update!

Ready for it?! The complete set of rules and theme description for the third virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ are here, which means you can safely start planning and even making your entries! And, since the competition is online, anyone (13 years of age or older) anywhere in the world can enter!...

The Winner Reveal: Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ 2022

At long last, it's the time so many of you have been waiting for - the grand winner reveal in the second virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™! But, wait! What happened to the finalist announcement, you ask?! Good question. A few weeks ago, I posted a notice to this site that answered this question quite fully. If you missed it, it said..

International Alignment: An Important Judging Update for Julia's Competition

Hi, all! If you've been keeping an eye on the schedule for the 2022 virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™, you've probably been waiting with bated breath for the finalist reveal originally slated for today, November 18. If so, read on, as I have an important update for you related to the determination and announcement of winners...

What to Expect Now That You've Entered

Hi, competitors! As you know, the 2022 virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ closed for entries yesterday, October 15. First and foremost, congrats to all of the registrants who successfully delivered entries to the virtual judging “table”! Seeing an idea through to fruition is 90% of any competition! I am pleased to report that...
