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A Newbie's Anticipation of CookieCon 2018


[EDITOR'S NOTE: Woo hoo! Another member of our CookieCon 2018 Press Team kicks off with an introductory post! It won't be long now 'til we're in all-out press coverage mode, as CookieCon begins on September 12! ]

Remember that anxiety and excitement as a child while waiting for Christmas morning? That's me right now! Thank goodness for the CookieCon Attendees Facebook Group. Only those fellow cookiers understand, and it's so much fun to share and get caught up in the anticipation of arriving in Indianapolis.

I must admit that I truly wouldn't have known how to prepare, or what to expect, without the guiding posts of the CookieCon veterans. Let's face it, what newbie wouldn't want to participate in the exchanging of pins?! It's such an ice breaker and a great way for someone who's shy to meet others. My pins (pictured above) were so much fun to design, and I will definitely be stalking a few fellow cookiers who posted their extremely creative and hilarious designs.

And this CookieCon newbie wouldn't have ever thought to bake cookies to trade with fellow attendees. Those sweet fellow cookiers have given the rookie cookiers the confidence to share as well. Although, I may have gotten a little carried away by baking 100 cookies in the shape of my home state. It certainly helped to pass the time as I count down the days before we all hit the road to Indianapolis.

Safe travels to all!


DeniseDenise Maracich, aka @DeniseM, has been practicing her cookie skills since March with a goal of “going public” after attending her first CookieCon, and just in time for the holidays. She first became obsessed with decorated sugar cookies after hiring a local young lady to recreate her personalization business logo on sugar cookies. The cookies' flavor was to-die-for and addicting, and that led to Denise's Instagram-stalking of this cookier and others. The open support and uplifting spirit of the cookie community gave Denise the courage to open Creative Cookiery, LLC. Denise is the mother of four wonderful and handsome young men. Entering the empty nest stage of life has left her with time to experiment with recipes and to practice the art of decorated sugar cookies. Her husband of 32 years has joyfully assumed the role of cookie tester. Denise was not a baker prior to this new adventure, so he is truly enjoying her new venture! To learn more about Denise and her new business, check out her site and stalk her back on Instagram

Photo credits: Denise Maracich

Note: This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To read more CookieCon 2018 updates from our special Cookie Connection Correspondents Team, click here, and for CookieCon event photos, click here.


Images (1)
  • Denise's Pins for CookieCon Pin Exchange: Photo by Denise Maracich

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Hi, @DeniseM! It's me again, for real this time! (The last post was automated.) I can't wait to hear about your first-time journey to and through CookieCon. It looks like you're off to a great start! 

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