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Announcing the 2015 Cookiers' Choice Awards


Oh, no, no, no . . . I hadn't forgotten about this very important annual event! I just got a little waylaid (and that's putting it euphemistically) by the launch of our new site!

But with the dust now settling on site launch matters, it's time to turn our attention to celebrating those in the cookie community who made 2015 so great! While we honor each other every day with our likes, comments, and shares, and each week in our Saturday Spotlights, I believe it's important to celebrate accomplishments in a bigger way - by taking a larger look at the cookie work that has most influenced and inspired us throughout the year!  

And so, once again, I officially open our 2015 Cookiers' Choice Awards! Hoorah! Just like last year (results here), we'll be accepting nominations from Cookie Connection members to help establish a slate of finalists in four awards categories. 

The nominations process will be open from now until January 15, 2016 (5 pm central), so don't delay in making your voice heard! 

But before you submit your nominations, please carefully read the category selection criteria (descriptions) below. You will only be given one opportunity to nominate just one person/business per category. All of the awards are international in scope and open to anyone anywhere, including winners from previous years, provided the nominee meets the criteria in each category description. Please note that Cookie Connection and its host/owner (that's me!) are not eligible for nomination in any category. But, unlike last year, any other Cookie Connection contributor is eligible. No nominee, whether a contributor or otherwise, will be eligible to serve on the final awards judging panel, however.

** Awards Categories **

Cookier of the Year: Awarded to the cookier whose collective portfolio of work posted to Cookie Connection most impressed the Cookie Connection community and awards judging panel. Cookie portfolios will be evaluated on technical difficulty, number of techniques used, mastery of techniques, originality, and overall design appeal/artistry. To be eligible, cookiers must have posted at least ten cookies (or cookie sets) to Cookie Connection between January 2015 and December 13, 2015. This category is open to professionals and hobbyists alike.

Cookie Educator of the Year: Awarded to a cookie artist, blogger, instructor, or other entity who is deemed by the Cookie Connection community and awards judging panel to have contributed most to advancing cookie decorating instruction in 2015. This category is open to both Cookie Connection members and non-members, and to both individuals and organizations.

Cookie Innovator of the Year: Awarded to the cookie artist, retailer, business, or business person who is deemed by the Cookie Connection community and awards judging panel to have most positively changed the cookie industry through a product or technique innovation introduced between January 2015 and December 13, 2015. This category is open to both Cookie Connection members and non-members, and to both individuals and organizations.

Cookie Philanthropist of the Year: Awarded to the cookie artist, retailer, business, or business person who is deemed by the Cookie Connection community and awards judging panel to have had the most positive impact on the non-cookie community in 2015 through their charitable work in the cookie arena. This category is open to both Cookie Connection members and non-members, and to both individuals and organizations. 


Note: You will be directed to our Surveys area to fill out a ballot, which will ask you to briefly explain the rationale for your nominations. Incomplete nominations or ones received after January 15, 2016 (5 pm central) will not be accepted. You must be a Cookie Connection member to complete this ballot. 

** What To Expect Once Nominations Are In **

  • Between January 15 and January 30, 2016, I will carefully review your nominations for eligibility and tally the results to determine a shortlist of finalists (minimum of two per category). As needed, I may call on a small team of Cookie Connection contributors or other esteemed cookiers (who have not been nominated) to help with any tie-breakers or judgment calls.
  • In early February, the finalists will be announced, and the judging panel will also be finalized and announced. Additional information may be solicited from finalists at this time to assist the judges in determining the ultimate winners.
  • If all goes as planned, judges' ballots will be tallied and winners (and prizes!) will be announced no later than end of February!

Pretty weighty decisions, eh? That said, please take time to carefully consider who best fits the descriptions above for cookie work done in 2015. Please also remember that these awards are based on merit, not popularity. 

Thanks in advance for taking the time to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow cookiers! 



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