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Saturday Spotlight: Top Halloween and Horror Cookies

Is it too early for Halloween? Hmmm . . . judging from the quantity of eerie (but gorgeous) cookies hitting the site lately, I'd say no! Plus, by the time you design, bake, and ice, Halloween will be upon us in no time flat. 


So, sit back and take in this week's hottest* Halloween sights - they range from downright gruesome (be warned; at least one is not for the faint of heart) to absolutely elegant, believe it or not!




Congrats to the following honorees . . .


#1: Victorian-Inspired Halloween by Cookies by Shannon [EDITOR'S NOTE: So you doubted me?! See, Halloween can be elegant!]

Victorian-Inspired Halloween - Cookies by Shannon -1


#2: My Halloween Magic Owl! by The Cookie Lab

My Halloween Magic Owl - The Cookie Lab - 2


#3: Pumpkins - My Choice! by The Cookie Lab [EDITOR'S NOTE: Congrats to Marta on her second win of the week!]

Pumpkins - My Choice - The Cookie Lab - 3


#4: Rascayú by Anna Bonilla 

Rascayu - Anna Bonilla - 4


#5: Victorian-Inspired Halloween Set Close-up by Cookies by Shannon [EDITOR'S NOTE: This set was so well done that people couldn't help but to admire its close-up too!]

Victorian-Inspired Halloween Close-up - Cookies by Shannon -5


#6: Shark Attack by Magnolias de Azúcar [EDITOR'S NOTE: Congrats to this first-timer to our Spotlight! If you don't like the sight of blood, watch out!]

Shark Attack - Magnolias de Azucar - 6


#7: Mummy by Dhsprad

Mummy -Dhaprad -7


#8: Honeycat Spiders! by Lucy at Honeycat Cookies [EDITOR'S NOTE: Talk about staying power! These cookies first made a hot list around this same time last year!]

HoneycatSpiders-Honeycat Cookies - 8


 #9: Once Upon a Time . . . by Au Claire de la Lune

Once Upon A Time - Au Claire de la Lune - 9


#10: A Very Steampunk Halloween by Compassionate Cake [EDITOR'S NOTE: This set has been top of several lists ever since debuting in our last Practice Bakes Perfect challenge! Way to go!]

A Very Steampunk Halloween - Compassionate Cake - 10


* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.


So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.


All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.


To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.



Images (11)
  • Top Halloween Cookies Banner: A Teaser!
  • #1 - Victorian-Inspired Halloween: By Cookies by Shannon
  • #2 - My Halloween Magic Owl!: By The Cookie Lab
  • #3 - Pumpkins - My Choice!: By The Cookie Lab
  • #4 - Rascayú: By Anna Bonilla
  • #5 - Victorian-Inspired Halloween Close-up: By Cookies by Shannon
  • #6 - Shark Attack: By Magnolias de Azúcar
  • #7 - Mummy: By Dhsprad
  • #8 - Honeycat Spiders!: By Lucy at Honeycat Cookies
  • #9 - Once Upon a Time: By Au Claire de la Lune
  • #10 - A Very Steampunk Halloween: By Compassionate Cake

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Thank you everyone! It's an honor being among such great artists. all the works presented are wonderful, even those not featured here do they have a special mention.

Let's keep decorating and bring our little pieces together to  share on this wonderful site where we can learn on a constant basis.

thank you Julia, without you we couldn't make it and thank you everyone out there that liked and comment every single cookie.

love, Marta Torres

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