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Loves Me, Loves Me Not | Manu
β€œLetter Board Cookie”- Made by Manu (Cookie Connection Tutorial July 2020, link in first comment)

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β€œLoves me, loves me not...” a letter board cookie  decorated with a wafer paper daisy, the yellow disc is royal icing. I cut the petals and glued them to a dot of toyal icing piped on parchment paper. I piped anoter dot of royal icing to the center and glued another round of petals. Last I piped the disc and once completely dry I applied some royal icing with a paintbrush (fuzzy technique). Then I removed parchment paper and glued the daisy to the cookie. 


One of the first tutorials that I read when I joined Cookie Connection was the β€œDaisy Canvas Cookie” by Pamoda Vanderwert aka @sugarpearlbakesInspired by that amazing mixed media daisy cookie and by @Heather Bruce Sosa’s recent post I finally gave paper daisies a go and decorated my variation of the summer cookie box and this variation of the Letter Board project tutorial.

The first idea was to write (pipe) the Italian β€œM’AMA, NON M’AMA”, but there were way too many β€œM”s and β€œA”s and β€œN”s, and the apostrophes. I couldn’t pipe them of the same size -especially the M”s- and once displayed on the cookie it simply didn’t work.

You’ll find my β€œLetter Board Cookie” tutorial here on Cookie Connection: β€œMade by Manu”, July 2020.


Images (1)
  • Loves Me, Loves Me Not | Manu: Cookies and Photo by Manu
Last edited by Manu biscotti decorati

β€œLoves me, loves me not...” a letter board cookie  decorated with a wafer paper daisy, the yellow disc is royal icing. I cut the petals and glued them to a dot of toyal icing piped on parchment paper. I piped anoter dot of royal icing to the center and glued another round of petals. Last I piped the disc and once completely dry I applied some royal icing with a paintbrush (fuzzy technique). Then I removed parchment paper and glued the daisy to the cookie. 


One of the first tutorials that I read when I joined Cookie Connection was the β€œDaisy Canvas Cookie” by Pamoda Vanderwert aka @sugarpearlbakesInspired by that amazing mixed media daisy cookie and by @Heather Bruce Sosa’s recent post I finally gave paper daisies a go and decorated my variation of the summer cookie box and this variation of the Letter Board project tutorial.

The first idea was to write (pipe) the Italian β€œM’AMA, NON M’AMA”, but there were way too many β€œM”s and β€œA”s and β€œN”s, and the apostrophes. I couldn’t pipe them of the same size -especially the M”s- and once displayed on the cookie it simply didn’t work.

You’ll find my β€œLetter Board Cookie” tutorial here on Cookie Connection: β€œMade by Manu”, July 2020.


@LisaF posted:

So lovely and creative. The daisy and petals are a perfect accent.

Oh how charming Manu @Manu biscotti decorati! Brilliant idea to show the daisy with some of the petals "picked" off!! I love that touch my dear. Awesome work as always ❀❀❀

Thank you, @LisaF and Carol @Cookies Fantastique. I wished I got more contrast between the petal and the board. I find so hard taking pictures! πŸ’™

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