Marimen, would you be willing to share your gluten-free cookie recipe? Thank you!! I really appreciate hearing from someone who has so much experience with gluten-free cooking and baking 
Of course Carol
Sorry if I am late, I have not read this post on time ( really bussy at work ) I need just time for the traslation (Sorry about my English). I use three recipies but we try new recipies time to time because is difficult to find the correct texture and flavour .
I write now the simple ones that I use to do
250 g butter
250 g sugar ( fine grounded)
one egg and a yolk
500 g corn flour ( I live in an área where crop of corn is cultural and we can obtein flour not industrial manufacturer but milled superfine 
and a few more about 50 -100 g of gluten free flour like Baiker or Schar ,Proceli( in Spain I use Adpan and Gallo gluten free as well 
1 teaspoon of orange Natural flavour ( I use Lorann) and sometimes I add grated orange/lemon rind
or the flavour you want vainille,cinnamon ,ginger etc
For chocolate cookies I just change 50 g of pure cocoa powder instead corn flour
Other combination of flour in this récipe 400 g of corn flour and 150 g of almond flour
in this case sugar is 175 g
Another récipe with a mixture of flour
85 g butter / 85 g of sugar ( fine grounded)
30 g of beated egg
130 g deAdpan/ Baiker /Sarch / Proceli any gluten free flour
50 g rice flour
40 g chickpea flour
1/4 teaspoon xhantan
natural flavour you like
Hope you like.