With the #BaketoDefeatALS campaign rapidly coming to a close, I wanted to use our final Spotlight of the month to highlight some notable contributions that posted this past week!
But first . . . if you're not familiar with the campaign, it has been running throughout the month of August and is spearheaded by Anita Cadonau-Huseby at Sweet Hope Cookies to raise awareness of ALS and funds to support the work of The ALS Association. The goal is to raise $25,000, and in the last two weeks since our previous update, Anita and 204 others have baked and decorated with all of their hearts, driving donations up about $9,800 to an impressive total of $13,892.41 (to be exact)!
With two days 'til challenge close, there's still time to rev up your mixers and rally to drive the red part of that thermometer off the chart!
Car Cookies by Marie at LilleKageHus
Cath Kidston-Inspired Wet-on-Wet Cookies by Marie at LilleKageHus [EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes, Marie has been extremely prolific! I think this is her fourth #BaketoDefeat ALS set - and there may be more I haven't seen!]
Mickey Mouse Cookie Set by Trilogy Edibles
And still others, like Cookie Connection member Susan Moniz of Artesão Unique & Custom Cookie Molds, have been selling ALS-themed products, designed to encourage others to bake, and donating those proceeds.
Yes, these are the ALS molds that Susan custom-designed for this campaign! And she's making it easy for Cookie Connection members to bake with them (and donate the proceeds!) by offering you all a 50% discount. Click here for more details and the coupon code.
Still not sure what to do? Well then, just check out what Anita has to say; she suggests a wealth of other ways to contribute here. And remember: If you post your contributions here on Cookie Connection, upload them to our "Cookies for a Cause" clip set and tag and entitle them with the hashtag "#BaketoDefeatALS" to ensure that the ALS message is spread when your images get shared from this site.
Now, get those ovens cranked and take advantage of the last moments of this challenge - all for a wonderful cause!
P.S. Since I started typing this post, the tally has grown to a whopping $14,467.41! Woo hoo!
P.P.S. Since I'll be on vacation next weekend, I won't be posting a Saturday Spotlight then, but our normal Spotlight format will resume when I return the following weekend!

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designer listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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