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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


At the end of last week's Spotlight, contributor @LisaF mentioned feeling a heightened sense of urgency to get cracking on Halloween cookies after seeing the plethora of pumpkins in her local markets. At the time, I was feeling pretty chill about my Halloween decorating so her sentiment didn't really resonate. (After all, I thought, I was on the verge of releasing a new tombstone stencil-and-cutter kit, so I was actually ahead of the eight ball for once.) But, oh, how quickly things can change! Not long after that Spotlight (yesterday, actually), I ventured to several garden centers to find evergreens for my upcoming Christmas video shoot (which, BTW, is no small task in September), and instead I saw this . . .


Wowza! That's when anxiety kicked in! I've been so busy with Halloween and Christmas cookie decorating that I haven't stopped to groom my now tired summer window boxes and various other planters, much less stopped to smell their dwindling flowers. I was itching to snatch up a whole cartload of these beauties and get re-planting, but when? How could I possibly jam one more thing on my to-do list? Reluctantly, I let practicality get the better of me, and I returned home empty-handed and a little bit sad that my fall garden wouldn't be as fall-ish as it could be this year.

Fortunately, my gloomy mood lifted as quickly as it had descended - just as soon as I got into writing this Spotlight, in fact! Seeing so many beautiful fall and Halloween cookies on Cookie Connection was just the boost I needed. Maybe my garden will be a bit drab this season, but my larger world view remains colorful and bright, thanks to you and your wonderful contributions!

So, with my little flower tale behind us, let's now turn to seeing which of the week's contributions hit our hot list*!

#1: Carousel by cookiebouquets [EDITOR'S NOTE: Special congrats to @cookiebouquets. This cookie creation has now appeared in two Spotlights! ~JMU]
#1 - Carousel by cookiebouquets

#2: Blooming Orchid by Icingsugarkeks [EDITOR'S NOTE: Re-read what I just said about #1 because the same holds true for this post. These lovely orchid cookies have now hit our hot list for the second week in a row. Excellent job, @Icingsugarkeks! ~JMU]
#2 - Blooming Orchid by Icingsugarkeks

#3: Trick or Treat! by Tina at Sugar Wishes [EDITOR'S NOTE: This witch is literally leaping off her cookie due to Tina's attention to perspective and texture. I especially appreciate Tina's clever use of glass noodles and royal icing for the hair. ~JMU]
#3 - Trick or Treat! by Tina at Sugar Wishes

#4: Sweethearts Cookie Set by EAC [EDITOR'S NOTE: I always love seeing others' takes on my stencils, but @EAC made me especially proud with this collection that she airbrushed and stenciled with my Sweethearts Dynamic Duos™ sets. Her work is extraordinarily clean. There's no evident underspray around those black silhouettes, which is very, very hard to achieve! ~JMU]
#4 - Sweethearts Cookie Set by EAC

#5: Dinosaur Cookies by Gloriabakes [EDITOR'S NOTE: I am 100-percent positive that Liam couldn't resist his dino-themed birthday set! What a treat! ~JMU]
#5 - Dinosaur Cookies by Gloriabakes

#6: Halloween by KUMIKO KISHI [EDITOR'S NOTE: Who knew Halloween could be so cute?! ~JMU]
#6 - Halloween by KUMIKO KISHI

#7: Halloween Squares by Gingerland [EDITOR'S NOTE: This image earned this week's cover spot because of how well it marries simplicity with complexity. Though many interesting patterns are at play, the overall presentation remains crisp and uncluttered due Gingerland's finesse with her airbrush and her choice of a monochrome palette. Congrats, @Gingerland! ~JMU]
#7 - Halloween Squares by Gingerland

#8: 3-D Halloween Graveyard Vignette by Julia M. Usher [EDITOR'S NOTE: Hey, that's me! Remember, I simply post the ten top-trending cookies based on what the site's algorithms* tell me. No photo on this list, other than the cover image, is handpicked by any human. BTW, these cookies were made with my new tombstone kit that I referred to earlier. ~JMU]
#8 - 3-D Halloween Graveyard Vignette by Julia M. Usher

#9: Hello, Autumn! by The Vintage Cookie Jar [EDITOR'S NOTE: What a sweetie! I need to adopt more of her zen-like quality when it comes to my fall gardening! LOL! ~JMU]
#9 - Hello, Autumn! by The Vintage Cookie Jar

#10: Bride Luxury Box by cookiebouquets [EDITOR'S NOTE: Another repeat honoree from last week, and also @cookiebouquets' second mention this week. Kudos to you, cookiebouquets! ~JMU]
#10 - Bride Luxury Box by cookiebouquets

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.

Note: Saturday Spotlight is a weekly Cookie Connection blog feature written alternately by Lisa Foss and Julia M. Usher. Its primary intent is to cast a spotlight on the week's top-trending cookie posts, as determined automatically by the site algorithms described above. This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To see all of Cookie Connection's past Saturday Spotlights, click here.


Images (13)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - September 23, 2023: Cookies and Photo by Gingerland; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Fabulous Fall Flowers at My Local Garden Center: Photo by Julia M Usher
  • More (!) Fabulous Fall Flowers at the Same Garden Center: Photo by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Carousel: By cookiebouquets
  • #2 - Blooming Orchid: By Icingsugarkeks
  • #3 - Trick or Treat!: By Tina at Sugar Wishes
  • #4 - Sweethearts Cookie Set: By EAC
  • #5 - Dinosaur Cookies: By Gloriabakes
  • #6 - Halloween: By KUMIKO KISHI
  • #7 -  Halloween Squares: By Gingerland
  • #8 - 3-D Halloween Graveyard Vignette: By Julia M. Usher
  • #9 - Hello, Autumn!: By The Vintage Cookie Jar
  • #10 - Bride Luxury Box: By cookiebouquets

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Well done, everyone! Seeing as I posted this Spotlight a touch early (it's Friday night right now), I am going to take the rest of tonight off. This post will be pushed out to social media tomorrow afternoon, and I will relay badges to the honorees tomorrow (Saturday) night. Have a great weekend, everyone, and I can't wait to see your posts in the coming week!

I love Fall flowers and am happily enjoying mine since we are having a wonderful Indian summer this year. I try to plant hardy perennials that surprise me every year when they bloom.  I even managed to pick a pumpkin this year.
Thanks for your tireless efforts and support with this wonderful community you have created and maintained so beautifully.
Congratulations to all !

I love Fall flowers and am happily enjoying mine since we are having a wonderful Indian summer this year. I try to plant hardy perennials that surprise me every year when they bloom.  I even managed to pick a pumpkin this year.
Thanks for your tireless efforts and support with this wonderful community you have created and maintained so beautifully.
Congratulations to all !

You're very welcome, Tina. Share some photos of your garden as I would love to see it. I have a fair number of hardy perennials in my actual garden beds, but last winter's polar vortex hit many of them (like my shrub roses, crepe myrtle, and hydrangea, which dominate the landscape) really hard, so they are pretty scrappy this year. Only things really doing well right now are sedum and one or two roses; coneflowers and Black-eyed Susans are long gone by.

Congrats to all featured cookies and artists!! A colourful mix cookies. ❤️
... and thank you for allowing my orchids to be there again! ❤️
Congrats  Julia for these fantastic Fall flowers!! The pictures are a Eye candy!!

You're very welcome, Tina. Share some photos of your garden as I would love to see it. I have a fair number of hardy perennials in my actual garden beds, but last winter's polar vortex hit many of them (like my shrub roses, crepe myrtle, and hydrangea, which dominate the landscape) really hard, so they are pretty scrappy this year. Only things really doing well right now are sedum and one or two roses; coneflowers and Black-eyed Susans are long gone by.

IMG_5735IMG_5729IMG_5726IMG_5728IMG_5734Because you asked. It’s a rainy day so the vibrancy is not there. And it’s late in the season ,so much has already died off. Every season has its beauty.


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IMG_5735IMG_5729IMG_5726IMG_5728IMG_5734Because you asked. It’s a rainy day so the vibrancy is not there. And it’s late in the season ,so much has already died off. Every season has its beauty.

Gorgeous! You have such abundance of color!

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