Once again, we're hop-skip-and-jumping from Halloween directly onto Christmas, judging from this week's hot list*. I still reserve hope that, one day in the not-too-distant future, cookies will supplant pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving! But, until then, let's enjoy the ghouls and goblins that invariably commingle with the first Santas and snowmen that appear like clockwork this time each year.
In addition to these seasonal characters, this week's Top 10 list features a number of glorious vintage sets, submitted as part of our ongoing Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #25. (Remember: It's not too late to enter! The challenge is open until November 5, and the randomly drawn prize will be one of my new airbrush systems! Woo hoo!)
With that brief public service announcement behind us , let's say hello to this week's honorees . . .
#1: Halloween by Dhsprad [EDITOR'S NOTE: First posted in October 2014, this set is getting a second - or third or fourth - wind, after having caught the attention of some external sites. Its 21,382 views are testament to its universal appeal - and to the power of posting to Cookie Connection! Way to go, @Dhsprad!]
#2: Vintage Alice in Wonderland Cookies by Tammy Trahan New Orleans Cookie Company [EDITOR'S NOTE: One of our stunning Practice Bakes Perfect challenge entries, if you hadn't gathered from the title!]
#3: A for Adelina by Manu
#4: Tiffany by sweets decoration Tink [EDITOR'S NOTE: Another lovely challenge entry!]
#5: Sweet not Scary by Cookies on Parade
#6: Christmas 2017 by Tina at Sugar Wishes
#7: Happy Halloween! by TriciaZ@Tricia's Cookie Cottage
#8: Vintage Tea Party by GinkgoWerkstatt [EDITOR'S NOTE: A third challenge entry!]
#9: Autumn Flowers by Gulnaz
#10: Cookie with Flower by Sally Bonbon
And that concludes this week's Spotlight! Beautiful, right?! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a spook-tacular Halloween!

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.
All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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