Wow, just as I thought we were hurtling full-throttle toward Valentine's Day, you guys threw me for a loop! The artists behind this week's ten top-trending cookies seem a little divided about whether we should savor Christmas and New Year's a bit longer, celebrate St. Valentine's Day, or skip winter altogether and fast-forward to spring. Truth be told, I'm pretty much in favor of the latter. (It's still so brutally cold here that I have to decorate directly in front of two space heaters, and, now, all of that added dryness is causing my set icing to slide off my cookies in big solid sheets!
I've become so familiar with this phenomenon that I've adopted the term "sheeting" to describe it.)
Anywho, enough of my icing woes! Let's focus on those on this week's hot list*, who, judging by their superlative work, are clearly not sharing my decorating difficulties. Kudos to you all!
#1: Merry Christmas, Y'all! by heidijo
#2: Little Birdies by Teri Pringle Wood
#3: Cookie Sticks of Love by Sweet Ellis
#4: For the Birds by Teri Pringle Wood
#5: Valentine's Teddy Bears by Alison Friedli [EDITOR'S NOTE: Alison was our December site artist, and was just featured in a recent Cookier Close-up interview! Do check it out! Alison shared tons of great tips for teaching cookie classes.]
#6: Language of Love by Andrea Costoya
#7: 2018 is Year of the Dog by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. [EDITOR'S NOTE: One of our fab Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #26 entries. Wonderful work, Ryoko!]
#8: For the Bees by Teri Pringle Wood [EDITOR'S NOTE: Congrats again to Teri for her third mention of the week. I think that must be some kind of Cookie Connection record! ]
#9: Heart Cookies by Cookie Celebration LLC
#10: New Year Ornaments by Masumi
And that's all for this week's Spotlight! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. (It was certainly a much needed diversion from my "sheeting"!) Congrats again to this week's honorees.
Before I leave you to enjoy the rest of your weekend, one important housekeeping note: I am (fortunately) leaving next week for warmer climes and a teaching trip to Mexico, thanks to Cookie Rehab Ahoy, organized by @Creative Cookier (a woman of boundless energy and ingenuity, I might add). That being said, it's highly unlikely I'll have a solid enough internet connection aboard the boat to write next week's Spotlight. My apologies; my plan is to resume the normal Spotlight schedule on January 27. 'Til then, stay warm and live sweetly!

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.
All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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