Seeing as I'll be on a plane all of Saturday and into Sunday (yikes!), I thought I'd be early with the Spotlight for a change. And as I've still got loads of cookies and decorating tools to pack, I'm going to keep this intro unusually brief . . .
Fortunately, brevity is just fine, because this week's hot list* speaks (volumes) for itself. It's got everything from colorful succulents (twice - imagine that!) to a dimensional shadow box and an intricately piped knitting set. Though incredibly diverse in subject matter, each and every honoree is an absolute stunner! Heads up - watch your jaw, as it's about to hit the floor!
P.S. For those who celebrate Memorial Day, have a good one!
P.P.S. This post was written earlier than usual, so rankings will not correspond to trending lists on the site at the time you read it. The rankings below reflect the week's top cookies as of about 24 hours ago.
P.P.P.S. Another heads up: You won't want to miss next week's Spotlight! Since that Saturday is another travel day for me, it will arrive on Sunday, but it's taking a new and very different twist! Ooh, how I love cliff-hangers!
* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.
So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.
All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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