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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Christmas Cookies


With Christmas just two days away, it seems only appropriate to feature our top-trending Christmas cookies again! So that's what I've done! This week's hot list* is also confined to cookies posted in 2023, just because I wanted to extend a special thank-you to those cookiers who have been actively posting in recent weeks and contributing so beautifully to the holiday cheer here!

Let's see who those cookiers are, shall we?

#1: Christmas Gingerbread Men, Snowflakes, and Candy Canes by Cláudia Dmytriw Pichek
#1 - Christmas Gingerbread Men, Snowflakes, and Candy Canes by Cláudia Dmytriw Pichek

#2: Snowmen by Bożena Aleksandrow
#2 - Snowmen by Bożena Aleksandrow

#3: For You! ♥️ by Heather Bruce Sosa
#3 - For You! ♥️ by Heather Bruce Sosa

#4: Cookies Like from the Bakery by Icingsugarkeks
#4 - Cookies Like from the Bakery by Icingsugarkeks

#5: Xmas Balls by Dora
#5 - Xmas Balls by Dora

#6: Gingy Fun Christmas by Cajun Home Sweets
#6 - Gingy Fun Christmas by Cajun Home Sweets

#7: Christmas in Purple and Orange by Icingsugarkeks [EDITOR'S NOTE: Congrats, @Icingsugarkeks, for having this set appear in the Spotlight for the second week in a row - and for your second appearance this week! Way to go! ~JMU]
#7 - Christmas in Purple and Orange by Icingsugarkeks

#8: Gingerbread Man by Dora [EDITOR'S NOTE: Despite sitting in a mug of steaming hot cocoa, this gingy is so darn cool! It's the sheer cleverness and whimsy of this cookie that earned it this week's cover spot! Well done, @Dora! ~JMU]
#8 - Gingerbread Man by Dora

#9: Good News of Great Joy by EAC
#9 - Good News of Great Joy by EAC

#10: White Christmas by KUMIKO KISHI
#10 - White Christmas by KUMIKO KISHI

You may have noticed that I wasn't my usual chatty self in this post. That's only because I'm rather preoccupied with the loads of gift wrapping and Christmas Eve dinner prep that I still need to do! (Yikes! Getting ready for Christmas never seems to end!) Suffice it to say that I think all of these cookies are fabulous, and I am so grateful to these members and the others who routinely share their content with us, enriching our lives and bringing so much joy to this space in the process. Many thanks! And happy, happy holidays to all! May your season be merry and bright!

P.S. Don't forget to share your New Year's creations in the coming week; 2024 will be here before we know it!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Christmas Cookies Banner - December 23, 2023: Cookie and Photo by Dora; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Christmas Gingerbread Men, Snowflakes, and Candy Canes: By Cláudia Dmytriw Pichek
  • #2 - Snowmen: By Bożena Aleksandrow
  • #3 - For You! ♥️: By Heather Bruce Sosa
  • #4 - Cookies Like from the Bakery: By Icingsugarkeks
  • #5 - Xmas Balls: By Dora
  • #6 - Gingy Fun Christmas: By Cajun Home Sweets
  • #7 - Christmas in Purple and Orange: By Icingsugarkeks
  • #8 - Gingerbread Man: By Dora
  • #9 - Good News of Great Joy: By EAC
  • #10 - White Christmas: By KUMIKO KISHI

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Congrats again, honorees! Check your private messages here on Cookie Connection for your "I was featured" badges, and have a great Christmas if we don't "see" each other online before then!

May God bless all of us. I love my cookie connection family, and hope that even though I am 77 last week, I will be able, with God's grace, continue learning from you wonderfully talented and gracious people. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

May God bless all of us. I love my cookie connection family, and hope that even though I am 77 last week, I will be able, with God's grace, continue learning from you wonderfully talented and gracious people. Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Happy belated birthday!

@Dora posted:

Wooww!!! What a wonderful surprise! It's a great honour earning this week's cover spot!! Merry Christmas everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Congrats again! It's such a fun cookie - I giggle every time I see it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!! I am so grateful to be part of this amazing group! I keep learning so much and gaining such special friends.

Thank you Julia and Lisa for your endless work. God bless you. And Merry Christmas!♥️

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