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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


A stream of visitors is expected at my house over the next couple of months. The weather here is warm, and we have a pool and a large yard with plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. Even so, it's only a matter of time before someone wants to decorate cookies. I've learned over the years that life is a lot easier if I have a consistent supply of royal icing and fresh cookie dough at the ready. I also like to keep a variety of royal icing transfers on hand. I never cease to be delighted by how easily transfers elevate almost any cookie. And when new decorators discover this cookie truism for the first time, minds are blown! Lucky for us (particularly me, as I am in the midst of company prep ), the latest Watch-Learn-Create Challenge #57 is all about stenciled royal icing transfers! I'll definitely be consulting @Manu biscotti decorati's challenge kickoff video for some fun new takes on transfers, and I hope you will too!

Speaking of the challenge, a submission from a first-time entrant tops our hot list* this week. Let's take a look . . .

#1: Stepping through the Garden by Treatfairy (Congratulations, @Treatfairy, for not only taking the leap to enter your first challenge, but also for being selected for this week's cover art! Your composition and color choices are wonderful!)
#1 - Stepping through the Garden by Treatfairy

#2: 3-D Lace Heart by Cookies Fantastique (Many techniques combine for a stunning result, @Cookies Fantastique.)
#2 - 3-D Lace Heart by Cookies Fantastique

#3: 3-D Mermaid Purse Cookie - View #1 by BevH (What a charming creation, @BevH!)
#3 - 3-D Mermaid Purse Cookie - View #1 by Bev H

#4: More Piano Recital Cookies by Cookies Fantastique (This set marks @Cookies Fantastique's second appearance this week. Big congrats!)
#4 - More Piano Recital Cookies by Cookies Fantastique

#5: Paint Me Beautiful 💅 by Heather Bruce Sosa (Such a clever set, @Heather Bruce Sosa. I can barely distinguish the real bottles from your cookie versions!)
#5 - Paint Me Beautiful by Heather Bruce Sosa

#6: Ajolote by Yazz Ross (We've got a surprisingly large number of 3-D creations in this week's Spotlight, and this one is absolutely adorable! Well done, @Yazz Ross!)
#6 - Ajolote by Yazz Ross

#7: Fan with Roses Cookie Puzzle by BAKRGAL aka Barb Florin (This past challenge entry is just as beautiful now as it was eight years ago! @BAKRGAL aka Barb Florin, we're still fans - pun intended! )
#7 - Fan with Roses Cookie Puzzle by BAKRGAL aka Barb Florin

#8: ♥️s & Roses by Heather Bruce Sosa (Congrats on your second appearance this week, @Heather Bruce Sosa! Your florals are gorgeous!)
#8 - Heart @ Roses by Heather Bruce Sosa

#9: Fresh Fruit Basket by Icingsugarkeks (I adore this shiny set by @Icingsugarkeks. It is dripping with taste and just as fresh as when it was first posted in 2020! Pun intended - again!)
#9 - Fresh Fruit Basket by Icingsugarkeks

#10: Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries by Dolce Flo (Such a delightful set, @Dolce Flo!)
#10 - Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries by Dolce Flo

What a delicious collection! If you would like even more inspiration, make sure you check out @Aproned Artist's latest tutorial, Every Little Detail with Aproned Artist: Unicorns and Rainbows. It is, indeed, pure magic! And, of course, Manu's Challenge #57 kickoff video is not to be missed!

Until next time, I hope everyone has a safe and inspiring week.

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Lisa Foss is a hobbyist cookie decorator. After careers in corporate communications and freelance writing, she focused her attention on the nonprofit sector. She spent more than a decade at various soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and prison reentry programs throughout New York City. Lisa’s cookie journey began in 2011 when she started making gingerbread houses. Though she enjoys making cookies for family and friends, Lisa’s main focus is cookies for charity.

For more information about Lisa and her work, please check out her Facebook and Instagram pages.

Byline photo credit: Shutterstock

Note: Saturday Spotlight is a weekly Cookie Connection blog feature written alternately by Lisa Foss and Julia M. Usher. Its primary intent is to cast a spotlight on the week's top-trending cookie posts, as determined automatically by the site algorithms described above. This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To see all of Cookie Connection's past Saturday Spotlights, click here.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - June 8, 2024: Cookies and Photo by Treatfairy; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Stepping through the Garden: By Treatfairy
  • #2 - 3-D Lace Heart: by Cookies Fantastique
  • #3 - 3-D Mermaid Purse Cookie - View #1: By Bev H
  • #4 - More Piano Recital Cookies: By Cookies Fantastique
  • #5 - Paint Me Beautiful 💅: By Heather Bruce Sosa
  • #6 - Ajolote: By Yazz Ross
  • #7 - Fan with Roses Cookie Puzzle: By BAKRGAL aka Barb Florin
  • #8 - ♥️s & Roses: By Heather Bruce Sosa
  • #9 - Fresh Fruit Basket: By Icingsugarkeks
  • #10 - Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries: By Dolce Flo

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Thanks, @LisaF, for yet another wonderful Spotlight!

Honorees, I am rather tied up this weekend with important family matters, so I will get badges to you late tonight (Saturday) or on Sunday. Social media notifications will happen around the same time. Congrats on your cookie successes this week!

Thanks, @LisaF, for yet another wonderful Spotlight!

Honorees, I am rather tied up this weekend with important family matters, so I will get badges to you late tonight (Saturday) or on Sunday. Social media notifications will happen around the same time. Congrats on your cookie successes this week!

Thank you so much, dear Julia! Praying everything is well with you ♥️

The COVER!?! Thank you so much! I am honored to have the cover photo this week. I have really been trying to up my photography game so I guess three hours shooting and editing paid off! 🤣

@Treatfairy posted:

The COVER!?! Thank you so much! I am honored to have the cover photo this week. I have really been trying to up my photography game so I guess three hours shooting and editing paid off! 🤣

Photo styling takes me FOREVER as well! But a well-shot cookie is a most gratifying thing! You certainly did a terrific job with both the cookies and the photo (I look at both things when making cover selections each week)!

@Treatfairy posted:

The COVER!?! Thank you so much! I am honored to have the cover photo this week. I have really been trying to up my photography game so I guess three hours shooting and editing paid off! 🤣

On a side note, I am making the social media posts now, but can't find you on either Facebook or Instagram (I find many Treat Fairies, and don't know which is you), so if you have social media handles you can share here, I will tag you when I return home later tonight. Putting your social handles on your Cookie Connection profile is also a very good thing to do, so, that way, if you're featured again, I know what to use for tagging purposes.

On a side note, I am making the social media posts now, but can't find you on either Facebook or Instagram (I find many Treat Fairies, and don't know which is you), so if you have social media handles you can share here, I will tag you when I return home later tonight. Putting your social handles on your Cookie Connection profile is also a very good thing to do, so, that way, if you're featured again, I know what to use for tagging purposes.

UPDATE: @Treatfairy, I think I found you on Instagram, but still no luck on Facebook.

UPDATE: @Treatfairy, I think I found you on Instagram, but still no luck on Facebook.

Hello! Thank you so much for your diligence in looking for my social media accounts, however I only have private accounts on Instagram and Facebook, both under my actual name and not my Treatfairy handle, which is strictly a Cookie Connection thing. If that ever changes I’ll let you know, but I literally have zero posts on my Instagram! 😂 I’m such a baby boomer!

Oh! What an surprise!! My old fruit cookies...

Congrats to all the dear artists!!
Congrats  @Treatfairy  @Cookies Fantastique  @BevH  @Heather Bruce Sosa  @Yazz Ross  @BAKRGAL aka Barb Florin  and  @Dolce Flo
Thanks Julia and Lisa!

They look so juicy and delicious! I’m glad they were highlighted again cause they are amazing, dear Gabi ♥️

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