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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


Even though summer is winding down, everything else seems to be picking up speed. I don't know how it is in your area, but in my neighborhood there is a flurry of activity. The roads are once again filled with school buses; local boards are resuming meetings; and everyone seems to be making mad dashes to complete all of their summer projects that didn't get finished. (I know I am!) [EDITOR'S NOTE: And so am I! Painters, stone masons, landscapers, you name it . . . every manner of contractor seems to be at my house right now! 😅 ~JMU]

Things are quite busy on Cookie Connection as well. We have a fabulous new Every Little Detail tutorial by @Aproned Artist. Julia just announced the opening of Cake Masters Magazine Awards nominations and her service as judge for the skill-based categories. These awards provide a terrific opportunity to honor individuals who have generously shared instruction, guidance, and maintenance of this site. (We have had so many brilliant videos, challenges, and competitions this past year - I'm so glad that these awards have so many categories for honoring our heroes!) And, as recently as yesterday, Julia announced the release of a new video tutorial bundle featuring four guests in our Watch-Learn-Create challenge series. Even better: This bundle can be obtained at 20% off the normal  combined price of the individual tutorials!

It also seems as though all of you have been quite busy creating and decorating! This week's hot list* is a delicious display of what you have been making. Let's have a look.

#1: Bridal Shower by Cookies Fantastique (There are so many interesting textures on display here. Well done, @Cookies Fantastique!)
#1 - Bridal Shower by Cookies Fantastique

#2: Lace and Roses🌹by Heather Bruce Sosa (Such detailed piping on this dreamy set! Exquisite work, @Heather Bruce Sosa.)
#2 - Lace and Roses by Heather Bruce Sosa

#3: Father's Day Shoes by Rae Dare-Smith (Don't these shoes look so realistic?! Not only is @Rae Dare-Smith's painting on point, but the unexpected perspective she chose is also spot-on!)
#3 - Father's Day Shoes by Rae Dare-Smith

#4: Haute Couture Cookies by BevH (All of the techniques used here transport us straight to Paris. Très bien, @BevH!)
#4 - Haute Couture cookies by BevH

#5: Baby Shower by Kimberlie (Drawing on Julia's stencils, @Kimberlie created this super sweet set for a super sweet celebration!)
#5 - Baby Shower by Kimberlie

#6: Two Sweet Birthday by Cajun Home Sweets (The colors that @Cajun Home Sweets uses here make this set extra yummy, don't you think?!)
#6 - Two Sweet Birthday by Cajun Home Sweets

#7: 40th Ruby Anniversary by Cajun Home Sweets (Another set in this week's hot list by the talented @Cajun Home Sweets! Many congrats!)
#7 - 40th Ruby Anniversary by Cajun Home Sweets

#8: Drake or Hen? View #2 by Lola Willard (What a unique idea for gender reveal set! I'd love to know the backstory, so do share, @Lola Willard!)
#8 - Drake or Hen View #2 by Lola Willard

#9: Moving Up Day by The Baroque Baker (Got a reluctant back-to-school goer? Take a cue from @The Baroque Baker! She's created just the right enticement to coax your kiddos back to class. I particularly like the continuous-line graduation cap.)
#9 - Moving Up Day by The Baroque Baker

#10: More Father's Day Shoes by Rae Dare-Smith (This collection of shoes marks @Rae Dare-Smith's second appearance this week. It's impossible to select which pair of shoes is my favorite! Wonderful work! In fact, it's so wonderful that Julia and I chose this set for this week's cover art, which means double congrats are in order! 👏🏻)
#10 - Father's Day Shoes by Rae Dare-Smith

And there you have it: a most delicious look into your week's creativity! Keep those clips coming, as they are what make Cookie Connection such a fun and vibrant space for sharing and learning! [EDITOR'S NOTE: Indeed! I second Lisa's urging. It was really nice to see so much fresh work on the site this week! ~JMU]

I hope everyone has a safe and productive week.

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Lisa Foss is a hobbyist cookie decorator. After careers in corporate communications and freelance writing, she focused her attention on the nonprofit sector. She spent more than a decade at various soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and prison reentry programs throughout New York City. Lisa’s cookie journey began in 2011 when she started making gingerbread houses. Though she enjoys making cookies for family and friends, Lisa’s main focus is cookies for charity. For more information about Lisa and her work, please check out her Facebook and Instagram pages.

Byline photo credit: Shutterstock

Note: Saturday Spotlight is a weekly Cookie Connection blog feature written alternately by Lisa Foss and Julia M. Usher. Its primary intent is to cast a spotlight on the week's top-trending cookie posts, as determined automatically by the site algorithms described above. This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To see all of Cookie Connection's past Saturday Spotlights, click here.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - August 31, 2024: Cookies and Photo by Rae Dare-Smith; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Bridal Shower: By Cookies Fantastique
  • #2 - Lace and Roses🌹: By Heather Bruce Sosa
  • #3 - Father's Day Shoes: By Rae Dare-Smith
  • #4 - Haute Couture Cookies: By BevH
  • #5 - Baby Shower: By Kimberlie
  • #6 - Two Sweet Birthday: By Cajun Home Sweets
  • #7 - 40th Ruby Anniversary: By Cajun Home Sweets
  • #8 - Drake or Hen? View #2: By Lola Willard
  • #9 - Moving Up Day: By The Baroque Baker
  • #10 -More Father's Day Shoes: By Rae Dare-Smith

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Great cookies, honorees! As I commented in @LisaF's post, I really did love seeing all of your new work on the site this week - it made it so lively and fresh! So please keep your creativity flowing!

Though I posted a wee bit early to the site as you can see, this Spotlight won't hit social media until about 9 am CT on Saturday, so stay tuned for that. Honorees, I will also be sending your "I was featured" badges (via Cookie Connection PM) a bit later today, after I get past some morning meetings. Again, great work, and thank you, Lisa!

Last but not least, everyone, please have a terrific weekend!

UPDATE: Honorees, your badges have been PMed as of 9:45 am CT, Friday!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Congratulations, dear Cookie artists! Each entry is so unique and outstanding! Definitely mind blowing!
Thank you for the honour, I deeply appreciate it.

Have a great weekend too, dear Lisa & Julia ♥️

Thank y’all so much , and the outcome is that they are having a “Hen” and they are so happy and I’m sooo happy to be selected again for my work it means so much !! I just need to learn how to post lol 😂

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