Hi, folks! Phew - it's been one rough week of non-stop cookie class prep, video editing, stencil testing, scheduling the next round of courses . . . I could go on and on. I hope you all had a more leisurely time of it. This cookie life can be hard sometimes!
Anyway, since I still have a couple of contracts and some video edits to write up, I'm going to dive right into this week's hot list*. As always, it's a good one! And, like last week, we've got cookies with themes ranging from summer to fall, as we remain in seasonal limbo, and a large representation of awesome Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #24 entries. (If you're wondering which ones were challenge entries, just look for the photos with butterfly cookies metamorphosed into other things! ) Enjoy, and stay tuned for @Bakerloo Station's official challenge wrap-up that will post this time next week!
Congrats to all of this week's honorees!
#1: Fall by Manu
#2: Swans, Baby Carriage, and a Gooty by swissophie
#3: Butterflies and Flowers by swetla
#4: Hello Autumn by Pink Bee Cookies
#5: Spotkanie Przyjaciółek Przy Herbacie by Teresa Pękul [EDITOR'S NOTE: BTW, for those who don't know Polish, the title of this post is very roughly translated, "Tea Gathering with Friends". I just love the internationality of our cookie community! ]
#6: A Classic Fairy Tale by Love Cookies
#7: For the Little Princess by E. Kiszowara MOJE PIERNIKI
#8: Caballitos by Nadia Rodriguez
#9: Painted Bird by Libuša Bartošová
#10: Gatsby Cookies by Yvie
All so different, but each equally wonderful in its own right! Congrats again, everyone. Enjoy the rest of your weekends, and don't forget to stop and smell the cookies every now and then! (Hmmm . . . come to think of it, I ought to take my own advice! )

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.
All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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