It's not yet Independence Day, but you'd never know it around here! People in my little suburb are already staking out spots along the parade route; bunting and American flags are cropping up on every porch; and premature fireworks are sounding even as I write this post.
Not only that, but we've had a rash of red, white, and blue cookies and other seasonal sets here on Cookie Connection!
This week's hot list* sizzles with the excitement of the coming holiday and screams summertime fun - be it seaside, on the golf course, or in the cool comfort of an ice cream shop! To all who celebrate, have a wonderful Fourth of July next week! And, to those who don't, please just kick back and enjoy this post!
#1: Oh, That Bleed by Teri Pringle Wood
#2: Ice Cream Cone Cookies by Cookieland
#3: Little Mermaids by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.
#4: Watercolor Sweet Summer by Cookieland [EDITOR'S NOTE: Special congrats to @Cookieland! This isn't just her second mention of the week; it's the second week in a row that this particular set has been honored - a clear testament to its popularity!]
#5: Stars and Stripes by Teri Pringle Wood
#6: Housewarming Cookies with Beach Theme by Doshia Freeman
#7: 35th Anniversary Hearts and Flowers by SusieQCookies
#8: Beach Love by Cookieland [EDITOR'S NOTE: Woo hoo! Cookieland is now up to an impressive three mentions this week!]
#9: Golf Cookies by Kiss Me Cookies
And, last but not least, another patriotic number by @Teri Pringle Wood! (Way to go on your third mention of the week, Teri!) . . .
#10: USA by Teri Pringle Wood
Now, without further ado, I need to hustle to find my lawn chairs and claim my spot along the parade route. After all, I wouldn't want to miss the Fourth of July floats and fireworks!
Addendum: Lest you don't understand my sense of urgency, I leave you with this photo taken early Sunday morning. The chairs started cropping up two days ago, but now they're solidly lining both sides of the street, three days in advance of the festivities! We might be divided on issues here in the USA, but there's clearly no shortage of shared patriotism! Here's hoping for an Independence Day that further unites rather than divides.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.
All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.
To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.
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