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Reminder About Site Copyright Rules


Hi, all! I will keep this post brief, as I am on vacation, but please read it. It is very important.

In recent weeks, I have cited a few people for use of copied work without permission. (This is an ongoing issue, truthfully, even though our copyright rules are posted all over the place.) If I have to cite anyone three times for the same issue, I generally suspend that person's site membership privileges, which is not a fun thing to do - but necessary so that I don't spend all of my free time monitoring this site.

In my absence over the last two days, I've noticed at least one other use of copyrighted art (character cookies are a prime example, but not the only one). Others who were cited for copyright violations have noticed these new violations too and have complained to me that I haven't been applying the copyright rules fairly. I assure you I will, but I am on vacation, and I had every intention of NOT working on this site while away . . .

In the meantime, I just want to say this: It would help me A LOT going forward if everyone would start by complying with our "no copying without permissions" rule in the first place. That way, I would not have the time-consuming and difficult job of "policing" this site, or dealing with complaints that invariably arise when people think I am policing the site unfairly. Trust me, I don't like the policing, but ensuring that we honor others' copyrights is important to me and this site, and also simply a matter of upholidng US copyright law.

As a reminder, our site posting rules are listed in at least three places. Please reacquaint yourselves with them by reading them again (or for the first time if you haven't already):

1. In a link that says "Important: Please Read Before Posting" at the top of the "Clips" page; here's that direct link (https://cookieconnection.julia...READ-BEFORE-YOU-POST). Item #8 specifically addresses the copyright rule; Item #9 addresses my stance on "policing" the site and basically requests that you too do your part by honoring the rules. These rules can be translated into any language by clicking on the Google Translate button at the very bottom of this site.

2. On the About page, under the "Please Play by the Rules" section.

3. And in EVERY email you get EVERY time you post to the site.

Thank you. I would really appreciate greater, more universal compliance with this rule.

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Comments (9)

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@Econlady posted:

Is it okay to say something if I see it happening?

Yes - the best way to do this is to report the post to me using the "Manage Clip/Report Clip" buttons (see screenshot) to the right of the photo, and then I can take it from there by addressing the issue with the individual directly. Thanks so much.

Screen Shot 2020-09-23 at 4.32.01 PM


Images (1)
  • Manage Clip/Report Clip Buttons: Screenshot from Cookie Connection
I always have enjoyed the blog, etc but it is now impossible for me to read
because I have vision problems and the font and colors of text are so thin
and light. I am hoping you will consider a change that would make it easier
for older people and people with vision problems to enjoy once again.

Thanks for your consideration.
Caryn Bloomberg

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020, 9:04 AM Cookie Connection <>
@Caryn posted:
I always have enjoyed the blog, etc but it is now impossible for me to read
because I have vision problems and the font and colors of text are so thin
and light. I am hoping you will consider a change that would make it easier
for older people and people with vision problems to enjoy once again.

Thanks for your consideration.
Caryn Bloomberg

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020, 9:04 AM Cookie Connection <>

Thanks, Caryn. Nothing about the blog colors or font styles has changed since the start of the site. I can zoom in on my monitor when I need to enlarge things - and all then looks quite big. Have you tried adjusting your monitor display? That may be the quickest, most cost effective solution.

For instance, when viewing in Safari, I can click on "View" in the main browser line, and then on "Zoom In" as many times as needed. Even small text will blow up to full-screen size.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Thanks for getting back to me. I put my old monitor up and it is better
except for the disclaimer at the bottom of the email. The font is so thin
and light that it almost invisible. Even zoomed in. Thin, font. Light
color. Blue is better than the beige. Let me show you.
[image: image.png]
But, I must have a problem with my newer monitor because it is better on
the old one. So thanks for the response. The main part of the email is ok,
it's just the disclaimer. Sorry to have bothered you. And thank you for
all the time you put into your website and education. Much appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 8:31 AM Cookie Connection <>


Images (1)
  • image
@Caryn posted:
Thanks for getting back to me. I put my old monitor up and it is better
except for the disclaimer at the bottom of the email. The font is so thin
and light that it almost invisible. Even zoomed in. Thin, font. Light
color. Blue is better than the beige. Let me show you.
[image: image.png]
But, I must have a problem with my newer monitor because it is better on
the old one. So thanks for the response. The main part of the email is ok,
it's just the disclaimer. Sorry to have bothered you. And thank you for
all the time you put into your website and education. Much appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 8:31 AM Cookie Connection <>

Yeah, that text is only in emails though, not in blog posts. Blog post text was not changed, but that email text was recently changed by a site update. I'll try to figure out how to change it, but it will have to wait 'til I return from vacation in a week or so. Thanks!

@Caryn posted:
Thanks for getting back to me. I put my old monitor up and it is better
except for the disclaimer at the bottom of the email. The font is so thin
and light that it almost invisible. Even zoomed in. Thin, font. Light
color. Blue is better than the beige. Let me show you.
[image: image.png]
But, I must have a problem with my newer monitor because it is better on
the old one. So thanks for the response. The main part of the email is ok,
it's just the disclaimer. Sorry to have bothered you. And thank you for
all the time you put into your website and education. Much appreciated.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 8:31 AM Cookie Connection <>

I just changed the font color on the "secondary text" on emails, so it should now all be this same dark brown. Hope that helps.

Last edited by Julia M. Usher
Fix email footer wordlet

Live sweetly,
Julia M Usher
Sugar Artist and Instructor
Owner/Founder, Recipes for a Sweet Life and Cookie Connection

> On Sep 24, 2020, at 10:01 PM, Cookie Connection <> wrote:
Link copied to your clipboard.