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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


Hi, all! We've had another active week with lots of great new cookie art having been posted to the site! Most of it is also featured in this week's hot list* - so hurrah, and thank you to all who contributed such beautiful cookies this week!

As has been my recent trend, I am posting a bit early because I will be attending Cookie-A-Thon most of Friday and Saturday! I can't wait; I always pick up lots of useful info each time I participate. IMO, Cookie-A-Thon is well worth attending if you're looking to pick up new techniques and enhance your skills. It's two full days of online cookie decorating tutorials that you can watch live for free (though you must register in advance). But . . . for an extra $2 per tutorial (or $97), you can get an All-Access Pass (AAP) that allows you to view the video recordings as long as Cookie-A-Thon is in existence! It also gives you great perks from the instructors and sponsors like me. For instance, I am giving all AAP holders 25% off all of my online tutorials (including the guest series). Three lucky AAP holders will also get my new four-part airbrushing-stenciling course ($200 retail value) for free. But my perks are just the tip of the iceberg. And the thing is, the AAP is $97 only through the end of Friday (today). On Saturday, it increases to $197. So if you think you might want this pass, now is definitely the time to act, which you can do by clicking here or on any of the previous pink Cookie-A-Thon links. I hope to "see" you online.

With that brief PSA aside, let's move on to the reveal of this week's featured artists! Congrats again to everyone listed below! Great work!

#1: A Caterpillar's Journey by Susie Jacobs [EDITOR'S NOTE: What a charming National Pastry Conference competition entry, @Susie Jacobs! Kudos to you on your well-deserved win in their recent cookie showcase! ~JMU]
#1 - A Caterpillar's Journey bu Susie Jabobs

#2: Birthday in Line Art by Cookies Fantastique#2 - Birthday in Line Art by Cookie Fantastique

#3: Woodland-themed Baby Shower by Wendy Cubic
#3 - Woodland-themed Baby Shower by Wendy Cubic

#4: Florals by Treatfairy
#4 - Florals by Treatfairy

#5: Teacher's Day by Heather Bruce Sosa
#5 - Teacher's Day by Heather Bruce Sosa

#6: Fun Florals by Treatfairy [EDITOR'S NOTE: I thought @Treatfairy's earlier florals were pretty fun too! 😉 Congrats to Valerie on her second appearance this week! ~JMU]
#6 - Fun Florals by Treatfairy

#7: Apples, Ghosts, and Pumpkins by SAORI
#7 - Apples, Ghosts, and Pumpkins by SAORI

#8: Father's Day Shoes by Rae Dare-Smith [EDITOR'S NOTE: These cookies tweak my heart strings and evidently plenty of others' too, as this mention marks their second appearance in a row in our Spotlight. Well done, @Rae Dare-Smith! ~JMU]#8 - Father's Day Shoes by Rae Dare-Smith

#9: Japanese Landscape by Evelindecora [EDITOR'S NOTE: This blast-from-the-past cookie was first made by @Evelindecora for Cookie Connection Challenge #17! It's sometimes hard to understand why cookies see a sudden resurgence in interest here, but Evelin's beautiful handiwork - and perhaps the fall colors - certainly explain this cookie's newfound popularity! ~JMU]
#9 - Japanese Landscape by Evelindecora

#10: Sunflower Platter by La Vie en Cookies [EDITOR'S NOTE: Another blast-from-the past submission first posted in 2015, this platter put me so in the fall spirit that I just had to feature it in our cover art. I am frankly surprised it was never featured before! Congrats on this pristinely piped set are clearly long overdue, @La Vie en Cookies! ~JMU]#10 - Sunflower Platter by La Vie en Cookies

And that's all I've got! Once again, wonderful work, everyone, and thanks for posting. Keep the fresh work coming! I'm off now to rev up my laptop so I can start watching Cookie-A-Thon! I hope many of you take advantage of this wonderful learning opportunity as well!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - September 7, 2024: Cookies and Photo by La Vie en Cookies; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - A Caterpillar's Journey: By Susie Jacobs
  • #2 - Birthday in Line Art: By Cookies Fantastique
  • #3 - Woodland-themed Baby Shower: By Wendy Cubic
  • #4 - Florals: By Treatfairy
  • #5 - Teacher's Day: By Heather Bruce Sosa
  • #6 - Fun Florals: By Treatfairy
  • #7 - Apples, Ghosts, and Pumpkins: By SAORI
  • #8 - Father's Day Shoes: By Rae Dare-Smith
  • #9 - Japanese Landscape: By Evelindecora
  • #10 - Sunflower Platter: By La Vie en Cookies

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Congrats, honorees! I am super early with posting this week, as I am already online watching Cookie-A-Thon! It just kicked off, but it's great so far! I will be getting back to you later tonight (via Cookie Connection PM) with your "I was featured" badges. And the social media version of this Spotlight will post tomorrow (Saturday) at 9 am CT. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: Honorees, your badges have been sent via PM (as of 7 pm CT, September 6)!

Last edited by Julia M. Usher

Thank you so much, Cookie Connection!! I always feel so honoured.

Watching Cookie-a-Thon too! It’s SO enriching! Don’t miss it!♥️

It is. I have family coming later today, so I will unfortunately miss parts of it live today! But I do have an All-Access Pass myself!

Thank you so very much!! The highlighted cookies are always so beautifully done. I absolutely love seeing others' work and learning from the experience and wisdom from cookiers throughout this site. It's such an honor to be included this week.

Congrats to each cookie artist whose work was featured!! Your work is stunningly beautiful (whether it's new designs or not). ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Thank you so very much!! The highlighted cookies are always so beautifully done. I absolutely love seeing others' work and learning from the experience and wisdom from cookiers throughout this site. It's such an honor to be included this week.

Congrats to each cookie artist whose work was featured!! Your work is stunningly beautiful (whether it's new designs or not). ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

We all love having you here too, Carol!

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