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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


So, one thing I've been doing, whilst revamping websites and prepping for a big cookie course, is biking! This week, I logged 110 miles, and, just today, I managed 29 - all in prep for what I had hoped would be a fall biking trip to Croatia with my college roomies. But . . .  just as I was patting myself on the back for all of the mileage I had logged, the roomies decided to defer the trip to 2022. International airfares are exorbitant, and flight bookings keep getting canceled . . . it seems COVID has put our world into a tailspin again.


But I'm not here to be doomsday - not at all. The pressures of COVID are what pushed my roommates and me back into contact after years of little communication. I have discovered a new hobby, and I am quite possibly fitter than I have been in eons. So there are some definite silver linings! All this to say, if COVID is bearing down on you again, try to find respite in the things you love - like cookie decorating! - or find new things to love. And never hesitate to reach out to those who share your passion, like those of us in this very community. Cookie Connection is home to a strong network of kind and generous people, and I and so many here are always available to lend support if we can!

So, in that spirit of doing and sharing what we love, I give you ten wonderful spotlighted artists in this week's hot list*. If I'm not mistaken, three of these artists are appearing for the first time in our Spotlight, and so have earned a special shout-out! Congrats to newcomers @Nozomi, @Yuko -Bluebird Cookies-, and @Clover Lily mai.

Now, let's revel in the beauty created by this week's honorees, shall we?!

#1: Wedding Favor by Kyra Manthe#1- Wedding Favor by Kyra Manthe

#2: Dark Coloring Flower Cookie Set by Nozomi#2 - Dark Coloring Flower Cookie Set by Nozomi

#3: Baby Dinosaur by Cookies Fantastique
#3 - Baby Dinosaur by Cookies Fantastique

#4: Embroidery Cookies by Yuko -Bluebird Cookies-
#4 - Embroidery Cookies by Yuko -Bluebird Cookies-

#5: Wedding Cookies by Judit Tarsoly
#5 - Wedding Cookies by Judit Tarsoly

#6: Sea World! by Di Art Sweets#6 - Sea World! by Di Art Sweets

#7: Poppy by Clover Lily mai
#7 - Poppy by Clover Lily mai

#8: Sunflower-Themed Birthday Cookies by Nozomi
#8 - Sunflower-Themed Birthday Cookies by Nozomi

#9: Summer by The Cookie Fantasy
#9 - Summer by The Cookie Fantasy

And, one of our recent and very lovely Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #47 entries . . .

#10: Simple, Elegant Wedding Favor by BevH
#10 - Simple, Elegant Wedding Favor by BevH

Wonderful cookies, honorees! I can't wait to see what everyone creates next week. 'Til then, be sure to focus on what you love and to reach out to those who love you! The only way to get through this pandemic is together!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Images (12)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - August 7, 2021: Cookies and Photo by Di Art Sweets; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • Julia's Bike: Photo by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Wedding Favor: By Kyra Manthe
  • #2 - Dark Coloring Flower Cookie Set: By Nozomi
  • #3 - Baby Dinosaur: By Cookies Fantastique
  • #4 - Embroidery Cookies: By Yuko -Bluebird Cookies-
  • #5 - Wedding Cookies: By Judit Tarsoly
  • #6 - Sea World!: By Di Art Sweets
  • #7 - Poppy: By Clover Lily mai
  • #8 - Sunflower-Themed Birthday Cookies: By Nozomi
  • #9 - Summer: By The Cookie Fantasy
  • #10 - Simple, Elegant Wedding Favor: By BevH

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An inspirational spotlight on many levels. Beautiful cookies and a wonderful message - thank you for compiling this Julia. Big congratulations to everyone featured. And congratulations to you Julia for all of your biking! Very inspirational indeed.

@Kyra Manthe posted:

I love to bike as well. I'm glad you found another hobby that lets you enjoy the outdoors. Congrats to all the spotlight entries and thank you for the recognition this week.

I used to walk 4 to 5 miles a day, but this seems to get more body parts!

Wow Julia!! I'm so excited for your new fitness regime . It's such a wonderful feeling when you know that you're doing the best you can to stay healthy and fit. I commend you my dear!!

Thank you for your kind comments in this spotlight post. The work demonstrated here is fabulous on so many artistic levels. I am so humbled to be included with such artists as these. CC is indeed a most fabulous place for talented artists to come together, learn from one another and share our art. No matter what level any designer is at in their journey, I applaud all the hard work each and every person puts in to improve their skills ❤️.

A huge congratulations to every spotlighted artist!! Your work is awesome and deserving of this recognition ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

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