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Sweet Prodigy

Super Gobbler
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Points: 29,799
Member Rank: #20

Posts By Sweet Prodigy

Saturday Spotlight: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #48 Recap

With many cookiers owning dozens – even hundreds – of cookie cutters, losing track of the identity of one or two is bound to happen. And, trying to decipher those "mystery" cutters can be a challenge all on its own. Fortunately, our Practice Bakes Perfect challenge entrants have shown...

Saturday Spotlight: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #44 Recap

As a cookier who is somewhat partial to royal icing stringwork, I must admit that I was really looking forward to seeing what type of designs our Cookie Connection members would come up with for Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #44. And after seeing all of the entries, I have to say that I was...

Saturday Spotlight: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #40 Recap

At the start of this challenge, I asked you to take the traditional technique of brush embroidery and turn it into something completely new and unexpected. Admittedly, I wasn't sure how much could be done beyond the traditional ruffles, flowers, and beach scenes that we commonly see, but you...

Saturday Spotlight: Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #39 Recap

After seeing all of the amazing entries submitted for our Practice Bakes Perfect Challenge #39, I must say that our mission of turning Cookie Connection into "Food" Connection was a success! You managed to create some incredibly realistic looking "food" cookies, and I am...
