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Made by Manu: Christmas Cookie Platter 2019


My past November tutorials have always been about 3-D Christmas trees (read them here and here). To refresh your memory, below is a small gallery of those projects and their variations, which include centerpieces, advent calendars, and a lantern of sorts.


This year, I will instead share an easier and quicker Christmas cookie platter (as we all know how precious time is at the holidays). You will also find a more general winter-themed variation at the very end of this tutorial.

What you’ll need for this project:
  • Cookie dough of your choice
  • Rolling pin
  • 2 mini (2 to 3-cm/3/4 to 1 3/16-in) heart cookie cutters (I used a Birkmann heart cutter from a mini set and also their single heart.)
  • Tree part templates (in "Attachments" under "Files" at the end of this post; dimensions are also listed below in "Cookie Notes")
  • Sharp paring knife (or equivalent, for hand-cutting dough)
  • Royal icing:
    • Piping-consistency white, in pastry bags with PME #2 tip or equivalent (for one-stroke brush embroidery in Step 2) and PME #1 tip or equivalent (for outlining)
    • Flooding-consistency green, in tip-less pastry bag with opening equivalent to PME #2 tip
    • Flooding-consistency white and red, in tip-less pastry bags with openings equivalent to PME #1 tip
    • Piping-consistency yellow and red, in tip-less pastry bags with openings equivalent to PME #1 tip
  • Liner paint brush
  • Small (about 5.1-cm/2-in) round cookie cutter and large plate (for scoring lines in icing)
  • Scribe tool
  • Parchment paper
Step 1: Cut and bake cookies

Roll your dough to your favorite thickness. Cut the cookies using the two mini heart cutters listed above and my templates with a sharp paring knife (or equivalent), following the "Cookie Notes" below. (Again, see "Attachments" at the end of this post for my templates.) Then bake the cookies as directed in your recipe, and let them cool completely.

Cookie Notes: You will need a total of 4 hand-cut cookies to form the larger trapezoidal parts of the tree. These parts are numbered from #1 to #4 (smallest to largest) in the photo below. You will also need a total of 20 mini heart cookies in two sizes, labelled #5 and #6 in the photo below. Below are the exact dimensions of these cookies. (Note that trapezoid dimensions are listed as b1 + b2 x h, where b1 refers to the shortest of the two longest sides of each trapezoid; b2 refers to the longest side; and h refers to the height.)
  • Top tree section (#1): 4.5 + 6.2 x 3-cm or 1 3/4 + 2 1/2 x 1 3/16-in
  • Middle tree section (#2): 8 + 9.3 x 3-cm or 3 1/8 + 3 5/8 x 1 3/16-in
  • Large middle tree section (#3): 11 + 12.5 x 3-cm or 4 3/8 + 4 7/8 x 1 3/16-in
  • Base tree section (#4): 13.4 + 15 x 3-cm or 5 1/4 + 5 7/8 x 1 3/16-in
  • 1 large mini heart (#5): 3 x 2.5-cm or 1 3/16 x 1-in
  • 19 smaller mini hearts (#6): 2 x 2-cm or 3/4 x 3/4-in


Step 2: Decorate tree parts #1 and #3

a. Let’s start with parts #1 and #3 of the tree. Using white piping-consistency royal icing and a PME #2 tip (or equivalent), pipe a small bead on the edge of one of these cookies. Move toward the center of the cookie while releasing pressure to create a tail on the bead, like the single beads of a trailing beaded border. Pipe no more than 4 to 5 beads at a time, as you don't want the icing to set before you complete the next step.

b. With a damp liner paint brush, stroke once through the center of each bead (hence the term "one-stroke brush embroidery"), moving in the direction of the tail. The result will look like a little arch of icing. Keep piping beads and brushing through them until the border around each cookie is completed.


c. Change the tip on the pastry bag to a PME #1 (or equivalent), and outline both cookies about 3 millimeters (1/8 inch) from the edge. The goal is for the outline to cover the tails of the beads you just brushed, so only the little arches will be seen once the spaces inside the outlines are flooded in Step 2d.

d. Using green flooding-consistency royal icing and PME #2 tip (or equivalent), flood one of the cookies, and immediately move to Step 2e.


e. While the green icing is still wet, immediately pipe dots on top, using white flooding-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent). Start by piping a dot in the center of the cookie, and continue piping dots horizontally to the left and to the right along an imaginary line in the middle of the cookie. Then pipe dots along imaginary lines above and below the center line, staggering the dots between those in the center line. This way, your dots are more likely to look regularly spaced. If you work quickly, all of the dots will settle into the green icing, leaving behind a smooth surface. (This process of applying wet icing to wet icing is called the wet-on-wet technique.)

Repeat Steps 2d and 2e for the other cookie. Let the icing dry completely.

f. Once the icing is completely dry, use a small (about 5.1-cm/2-in) round cookie cutter and a scribe tool to score a curved line (along the cutter edge) into the smaller of the two cookies. The line should intersect the top two corners of the cookie. I used a plate as a guide for scoring the curved line on the bigger cookie. These lines will serve as piping guides for the garland added in the next step.


g. Use yellow piping-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent) to pipe a line (garland) over the scored marks on each cookie. Let the icing dry a couple of minutes.

h. Now, embellish each line with a trailing beaded border, using the same icing and tip. To pipe this border, start by piping a small bead at one end of the line you just piped; then move the piping bag along the line toward the center of the cookie, releasing pressure to create a tail on the bead. Fill out the entire line with beads in this same fashion, making sure that the next bead covers the end of the tail you just piped.


Step 3: Decorate heart cookies and create heart transfers

a. Outline the 19 mini heart cookies and the bigger mini heart cookie using white piping-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent). Place the little heart templates (again, you’ll find them in "Attachments") under a piece of parchment paper, and outline two hearts.

b. Flood all of the mini cookies (a total of 20) and the transfer outlines with red flooding-consistency royal icing and a PME #2 tip (or equivalent). Let the icing dry completely.


We are halfway there! Here’s a visual recap:


Note: The red transfers aren't pictured above; they'll be used to decorate tree parts #2 and #4 in the next step.

Step 4: Decorate tree parts #2 and #4

a. Place tree parts #2 and #4 on your work surface, and outline them about 2 millimeters (or about 1/16 inch) from the edge. Again, use white piping-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent). Pipe two lines to divide the larger cookie (part #4) into three equal sections, as pictured below. Then pipe two lines to divide part #2 into three sections, but, this time, make the central section about the same size as the sections on part #4.

b. Use green flooding-consistency royal icing and a PME #2 tip (or equivalent) to flood the right section of part #4. (In the photo below, part #2 is already decorated to show you where we’re headed with part #4. The two cookies will be decorated very similarly to create a plaid pattern.)


c. While the green icing is still wet, use white flooding-consistency royal icing (and a PME #1 tip or equivalent) to pipe two parallel white lines on top of the green icing. These lines should be close to the ends of the green section, as pictured below. Then, immediately pipe four parallel red lines (one on each side of each white line) using red flooding-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent). Proceed immediately to the next step.

d. While the underlying green icing is still wet, rotate the cookie, and pipe a trio of lines perpendicular to the lines just piped in Step 4c and running through the center of the green section. First pipe a white line, and then pipe two red lines close to it, one on each side. Again, if you work quickly, all of the lines will settle into the green icing, leaving behind a smooth surface - and a pattern evocative of plaid!

Move to the left section of part #4, and repeat Steps 4b to 4d. (Note: Part #2 was done the exact same way, except with fewer lines.) Let the icing dry until crusted.


e. Use white flooding-consistency royal icing to flood the central part of both cookies, and let the icing dry completely. (Note: For faster flooding, cut the tip of the piping bag or use a bigger round tip, if needed.)

f. Pipe a dollop of red piping-consistency royal icing on the back side of each heart transfer (made in Step 3), and glue one in the middle of the central section of each cookie.


g. Use yellow piping-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent) to pipe a trailing beaded border along the lines that separate each section.

h. And last . . . use red piping-consistency royal icing and a PME #1 tip (or equivalent) to pipe a trailing beaded border around the perimeter of each cookie. Let the icing dry completely.


Once the icing has dried, choose a plate and assemble all of the decorated cookies into a tree!


The version below has a large star ⭐️ on top instead . . .


And below is that winter variation I mentioned at the top of this post. It recalls my Cookie Connection "Winter Cookie Platter” tutorial of a couple of years ago (December 2017, to be exact) . . . but once I assembled the pieces, I realized that I should have decorated the base section in white (for snow) and added bunny prints! Rest assured, I have one more tree in the works!


I hope I have inspired you to try this project. If so, please show me what you make by sharing your cookie tree compositions in the “Clips” section of this site and also in the comments below!


ADDENDUM (December 15, 2019)

More Christmas tree variations! Both use cookie dough embossed with @SugarVeil mats. In the latter case, I filled in some of the impressions with royal icing!

Platter Variation 2Platter Variation

Happy holidays!

Manuela Pezzopane, affectionately called Manu by her friends and family, is a fan of everything handmade, and professes to have tried every possible hobby. However, it wasn’t until the end of 2014, when an American friend invited her to a Christmas cookie exchange, that she first discovered decorated cookies. In 2015, after watching Julia M. Usher's videos and signing up on Cookie Connection, Manu finally attempted her own. Since then, cookie decorating has become Manu’s passion. You can follow Manu on Facebook and Instagram, or email her at

Photo and cookie credits: Manuela Pezzopane

Note: Made by Manu is a Cookie Connection blog feature written by Manuela Pezzopane, where each month she shares the method behind a magical cookie of her own making. This article expresses the views of the author, and not necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees. To read all of Manuela's past Made by Manu tutorials, click here. And to see all of Cookie Connection's tutorials, click here.


Images (18)
  • Where We’re Headed - Title Image: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Made by Manu 2017 and 2018 3-D Christmas Tree Projects: Designs, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Step 1: The Cookies: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Steps 2a and 2b - One-Stroke Brush Embroidery Borders: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 2c and 2d - Outlining and Flooding Tree Parts #1 and #3: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 2e and 2f - Wet-on-Wet Dots and Scoring Garland: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 2g and 2h - Piping Garland: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 3a and 3b - Outlining and Flooding Mini Heart Cookies and Heart Transfers: Cookies and Photos by Manu
  • Halfway Through!: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Steps 4a and 4b - Outlining and Dividing Tree Parts #2 and #4; Also Flooding One Section: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 4c and 4d - Piping Lines to Create Plaid Pattern: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 4e and 4f - Flooding Central Sections and Attaching Heart Transfers: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • Steps 4g and 4h - Piping Final Borders: Design, Cookies, and Photos by Manu
  • The Cookie Platter, All Assembled!: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Variation with a Star on Top!: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Winter Variation: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Embossed Cookie Variation - No Icing: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
  • Embossed Cookie Variation with Some Icing: Design, Cookies, and Photo by Manu
Files (1)

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Absolutely fabulous Manu  @Manu biscotti decorati!!! What a beautiful Christmas platter 😊. As always, your work and written tutorial are meticulously detailed. Love this design SO much.  Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication to sharing such wonderful decorating ideas on CC ❤❤❤

Sweet Prodigy posted:

Oh, Manu, I was waiting for you to post another one of your beautiful platter designs (and more than one version at that!) I really love the creativity behind it all. And, as I have said before, they make the perfect hostess gift! 

Thank you so much Christine @Sweet Prodigy! Actually I had planned a 3-D Christmas Tree also for this year (cookie baked and main steps of the tutorial written already!!!) but it was missing something... so it will stay in my mind and develop for next year!😊😊😊 Anyway, this is the backup 2-D version!!! Endless the possibilities to personalize it in different colors and decorations, like a real Christmas tree! 
(And that plate...  😉😉😉💙)

Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. posted:

😍😍😍🇯🇵?🤔  😄👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 

I cannot wait for Christmas!  I really should get rid of the stereotyped Christmas trees.   

Thank you, dear Ryoko @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. ❤️

Bakerloo Station posted:

I am totally in love with this!!! So many possibilities! 

Thank you, dear Christine @Bakerloo Station! Yes, so many possibilities and very hard to choose which one highlight in the step by step tutorial 


Oh, Manu, I was waiting for you to post another one of your beautiful platter designs (and more than one version at that!) I really love the creativity behind it all. And, as I have said before, they make the perfect hostess gift! 

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