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Saturday Spotlight: Top 10 Cookies


Just as we closed out 2023 last weekend, we’re ringing in 2024 with an extravaganza of spectacular cookies in today’s Saturday Spotlight. Leading the charge in our cover image is this fierce dragon created by @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.. Her cookie signals what I sincerely hope will be a speedy return to more auspicious times for Japan and other troubled areas of the world. Here's to better climate health, fewer natural disasters, and a restoration of peace and prosperity across the globe!

On a less solemn note . . . in this microcosm called Cookie Connection, we are very lucky to be blessed with beauty day in and day out. Without forgetting those less fortunate in other places, let's turn to celebrating the cookie work that has brightened our lives this week, starting with another cookie by Ryoko. Thank you to Ryoko and everyone else on this hot list* for taking the time to spread joy to the rest of us through your cookies. As always, I am most grateful.

#1: Happy Birthday by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.
#1 - Happy Birthday by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.

#2: Deco New Year by Bakerloo Station
#2 - Deco New Year by Bakerloo Station

#3: New Year's Eve Hairstyle by Dora
#3 - New Year's Eve Hairstyle by Dora

#4: Christmas Robins by lulubakes
#4 - Christmas Robins by lulubakes

#5: Little Cookie Fireworks by Icingsugarkeks
#5 - Little Cookie Fireworks by Icingsugarkeks

#6: Merry Christmas 2023 by Cookies Fantastique
#6 - Merry Christmas 2023 by Cookies Fantastique

#7: The Year of the Dragon by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.
#7 - The Year of the Dragon by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.

#8: Wedding Dresses by Petra Florean [EDITOR'S NOTE: This stunning challenge entry by Petra reminded me to remind you that there's still a week left to create for Challenge #55. @Manu biscotti decorati, @Inspirations by Carmen Urbano, and I are really looking forward to seeing your mixed media innovations, so be sure to check out the few rules and many great prizes in Manu's challenge kickoff post! ~JMU]
#8 - Wedding Dresses by Petra Florean

#9: Wishing a New Year by Zeena
#9 - Wishing a New Year by Zeena

#10: Colorful Gingerbread by Icingsugarkeks
#10 - Colorful Gingerbread by Icingsugarkeks

Congrats again, honorees. I will be in touch with your "I was featured" badges as soon as I am able. They may come on Sunday evening, a little later than usual, as I am spending some time away with my husband this weekend, recovering from what was a very hectic holiday season. (I am still searching for the energy to properly start 2024! LOL!) Anyway, stay tuned!

* As a reminder, a word about how the rankings are determined: The rankings are not at all subjective. In fact, they are determined essentially by you, our members, and the activity (number of views, likes, and comments) you've bestowed on each photo. The site uses a top-secret algorithm that weighs these various factors to determine which photos are trending most quickly (i.e., are the "hottest") over specified periods of time. As such, the hot list at the time of this announcement may look a little different a few hours or a day from now as more photos are added to the site.

So that no one has an unfair advantage in making it onto a hot list, the algorithm is secret even to site administrators. Only our platform developers know the code, which has been exhaustively tested by those developers and Cookie Connection staff.

All photos shown here are the courtesy (and copyright) of the designers listed.

To check out our other hot lists, at any time of day, visit our Hot Spot, also found in the site's main navigation line.


Images (11)
  • Top 10 Cookies Banner - January 6, 2024: Cookie and Photo by Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.; Graphic Design by Julia M Usher
  • #1 - Happy Birthday: By Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.
  • #2 - Deco New Year: By Bakerloo Station
  • #3 - New Year's Eve Hairstyle: By Dora
  • #4 - Christmas Robins: By lulubakes
  • #5 - Little Cookie Fireworks: By Icingsugarkeks
  • #6 - Merry Christmas 2023: By Cookies Fantastique
  • #7 - The Year of the Dragon: By Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.
  • #8 - Wedding Dresses: By Petra Florean
  • #9 - Wishing a New Year: By Zeena
  • #10 - Colorful Gingerbread: By Icingsugarkeks

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What an honor to be able to see my cookies here,  2 of them!   I am so thrilled. 

I couldn't touch my powdered sugar for long enough to make it rock hard.  To crush the powdered suagar I broke two blades.  2 of my cookies didn't really come out how I planned and wished and I honestly feel "is it O.K. of my cookies to be here with along perfectly made pretty cookiers by other artits?"   

To be featured is more than honarable thing on Cookie Connection but right now I am happy enough to know the reality that finally I could make a little time to design and make cookies while I devoted myself to save the company my father left, continous sleepless nights, losing wieghts because I didn't have time to eat.   I made this dragon cookie for my company website, to make a wish to go forward and upward.

Other cookie is just for Zara @carouselselsel I wanted to celebrate her be-lated birthday.   But if, if those cookies also make you smile a bit and let you know 2024 is The Year of Dragon, I am more than happy.   Thank you my friends for liking my cookies and leaving your comments and youre always welcome make me feel "I am home!"

Happy New Year again and congratulations to all featured artists❤️

Wow, I'm surprised and happy at the same time to see 2 of my cookie sets here! Thanks all who liked my work! Thanks so soo very much! ❤️
Congrats to all featured artists for your wonderful works!
Congrats  @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.  @Bakerloo Station  @lulubakes  @Dora  @Cookies Fantastique  @Petra Florean  @Zeena

Congratulations also to you dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks,hugs

Congratulations, everyone and happy new year!  Echoing Julia, I pray that we see a year with fewer disasters and a lot more peace. ❤️

Amen to that dear Christine @Bakerloo Station! Amazing work, as always ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Last edited by Cookies Fantastique

I, too, was so surprised and incredibly honored to share in this spotlight!! Thank you so much ❤️

Congrats to all cookie artists here who have worked so hard to create such beautiful cookies. The talent among members of CC never ceases to amaze and encourage me to try new techniques and to continue on this journey towards improving my skills and designs ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

What an honor to be able to see my cookies here,  2 of them!   I am so thrilled.

I couldn't touch my powdered sugar for long enough to make it rock hard.  To crush the powdered suagar I broke two blades.  2 of my cookies didn't really come out how I planned and wished and I honestly feel "is it O.K. of my cookies to be here with along perfectly made pretty cookiers by other artits?"   

To be featured is more than honarable thing on Cookie Connection but right now I am happy enough to know the reality that finally I could make a little time to design and make cookies while I devoted myself to save the company my father left, continous sleepless nights, losing wieghts because I didn't have time to eat.   I made this dragon cookie for my company website, to make a wish to go forward and upward.

Other cookie is just for Zara @carouselselsel I wanted to celebrate her be-lated birthday.   But if, if those cookies also make you smile a bit and let you know 2024 is The Year of Dragon, I am more than happy.   Thank you my friends for liking my cookies and leaving your comments and youre always welcome make me feel "I am home!"

Happy New Year again and congratulations to all featured artists❤️

How I love seeing you here whenever you are able dear Ryoko @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.!! Your work always has a wonderful motive behind the art...the dragon cookie for your company and the beautiful birthday cookie for our dear Zara @carouselselsel ❤️.

Taking care of yourself, dear Ryoko, is really important!! I hope that 2024 will give you more time to rest and eat. In your situation, I would also do what you are doing (work hard to make the company better and continue to watch it grow). I admire you so very much!!! You are such a sweet friend, dear Ryoko ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Wow, I'm surprised and happy at the same time to see 2 of my cookie sets here! Thanks all who liked my work! Thanks so soo very much! ❤️
Congrats to all featured artists for your wonderful works!
Congrats  @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave.  @Bakerloo Station  @lulubakes  @Dora  @Cookies Fantastique  @Petra Florean  @Zeena

You are so deserving of this honor, dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks!! Your work is always so beautifully done and very unique! I love seeing each new creation you make, sweet Gabi ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

@Zeena posted:

Congratulations to everyone. Happy New Year to all.

Congrats and Happy New Year to you as well, dear Zeena @Zeena. Can't wait to see your next creation! ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

You are so deserving of this honor, dear Gabi @Icingsugarkeks!! Your work is always so beautifully done and very unique! I love seeing each new creation you make, sweet Gabi ❤️❤️❤️ Hugs...

Awww... Carol, you are soooooooooo kind!!! But you and your work are so beautiful and elegant! I love it too my sweet friend! Hugs 🤗🤗🤗

Congrats everyone,  what a wonderful collection again! ❤️

Ryoko @Ryoko ~Cookie Ave. your cookies always make me smile 😃 I wish you have more calm days this year and of course more time to decorate cookies. I already can't wait to see my next surprise from you 🥰

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