Love Seat: A Tutorial by Manu
The inspiration to make cookies can strike anywhere, at any moment. At the beginning of January, I went skiing with my family and friends. Both of our families have kids who are now young adults and fast skiers...
The inspiration to make cookies can strike anywhere, at any moment. At the beginning of January, I went skiing with my family and friends. Both of our families have kids who are now young adults and fast skiers...
Every Christmas, for over ten years, decorating the tree at home has been impossible for me. The reason is called Nero, my beautiful, fluffy, and fat, but curious and naughty cat...
Hello, my name is Violet, and I love making needlepoint (aka cross stitch) pattern cookies. What you are looking at here is a large (8-inch) heart cookie decorated with a needlepoint rose pattern - my first cookie of this magnitude...
Here in Spain, vacations are over. And though unbearably hot weather still persists (imagine 42°C in the shade!), kids must go back to school...
Now that I’m about to start my summer vacation, I have more time to do one of the things I love most: going for long walks with my pet Bruno...
Following on from my wisteria and butterfly post, I’m still in a flowery, summery mood (ignoring the rain outside). Unlike many of my tutorials, where I plan carefully in advance, sketching out ideas, or even drawing out designs in detail...
Creating dimensional royal icing designs on my cookies is one of my favourite techniques. I especially love the more complex designs that make cookies a thrilling challenge.
I was inspired to create these cookies by this odd little thing (below). Doesn't look like much, does it? But it's the most exciting thing I've seen in my garden for years! It's a tiny flower bud on my wisteria...
Summertime is wedding time! I am simply ignoring the fact that it is not summer, but has recently snowed here, and that I don’t know anyone who’s getting married this year...
When I was a kid, one of my father’s colleagues, Mr. Oshiro, introduced me to origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. Several weeks later, our local summer vacation program offered an origami course for children. That was it - I was lost.
Easter is coming, and with it comes warmer weather, bright and lively colors, and (yeah!) lots of baskets full of candy: marshmallow peeps, swirl pops, chocolate bunnies...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and what better opportunity to talk about love? In this case, love for a cookie decorating technique: the crackle effect!
This is my very first tutorial, and I am the worst photographer in the world, so please excuse the bad pictures. I hope you will still be able to follow. I tried to find a tutorial for gumpaste lavender and could only find two in total.
Well, now that Christmas is out of the way, onto Valentine’s Day! There is no rest for the cookier! In this post, I’d like to talk a little about the development of my ideas and designs...
Can you believe it? The house is finally clean, the lights are set up, and some of the presents are already under the tree. The Christmas countdown has started, and every corner of my home (and hopefully yours) is filled with the holiday essence...