Challenge #58 - Deadline Extended!
Just a quick note to share some great news! Manu, Delorse, and I have decided to extend the entry deadline for Challenge #58 to Sunday, February 9 (5 pm CT) to...
Just a quick note to share some great news! Manu, Delorse, and I have decided to extend the entry deadline for Challenge #58 to Sunday, February 9 (5 pm CT) to...
Hi, everyone! My apologies in advance if you came here seeking sweet cookies, and only sweet cookies. I assure you, we will get to them, but I feel that it would be negligent of me to avoid the mention of more serious matters first...
I don't know about you, but the work that I put into Christmas preps is always at the last minute, and the energy I expend is often off the charts. Not surprisingly, I am...
Despite scattered Thanksgiving and tropics-themed interlopers, we're all-in with Christmas cookies in this week's Spotlight! From Maggy Morales' jovial Santa in the cover image to...
Hi, all. By now, you may have read Aproned Artist's announcement at the end of her new and very fabulous nutcracker tutorial. If not, in a nutshell (pun intended), she's planning to...
Hello, Cookie Connection members! I've got an atypical, but very important notice for you - my 2025 cookie calendar is now here! Fortunately, it's here a lot earlier than last year (when it arrived in January)! Please read on for details...
I'm excited to say that It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here on Cookie Connection! Sure, we've still got a decent number of fall-themed cookies featured in this week's hot list (after all, Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet), but...
Like clockwork, as soon as Halloween is over, the Christmas ads and promos start coming in full force, flooding TV, social media, and the airwaves for two solid months. I see this overzealousness about Christmas here in...
Yes, I’m finally back with another Cookier Close-up, and I’m especially excited about this one with our June 2024 site artist, Dita Dortová aka Dita. Until recently, I only knew Dita through her forum intro from a few months ago and her stunning cookies that she posts quite regularly to this site. So it’s been my...
Happy fall, y'all! This week, I've been in Maine at my home-away-from-home, enjoying a little time off, replanting pots for the fall, continuing to furnish the house...
Hey, all! I need to be super snappy with this post, as I'm teaching at The Bake Fest all weekend, and I still have some prep yet to do tonight. Aside: As a means of enticing last-minute class-goers to...
In last week's Spotlight social media post, I said that one can never be too early with Halloween cookie planning. This week, I insist that the corollary is also true - one can never have enough Halloween cookies! And, so, it’s in this spooky spirit that I present you with another...
Hi, all! We've had another active week with lots of great new cookie art having been posted to the site! Most of it is also featured in this week's hot list - so hurrah, and...
Hi, all! It's once again time to celebrate your favorite cookie and cake heroes on a global scale! Yes, the Cake Masters Magazine Awards (conferred in Birmingham, England in November) are now open for nominations. You can nominate cookie and cake artists anywhere!...
Hi, 2024 cookie art competition entrants! Just a quick update to say that I have completed all of the feedback forms that were requested by the June 30 deadline! Hurrah! If you didn't get yours and think you requested it on time, please...