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Every Little Detail with Aproned Artist: Dot Mandala

Ah, summer. When my kids were in grade school, those first few weeks of summer vacation were like paradise. Sleeping in, staying up late, slumber parties, and lazy days - summer was everything they thought they wanted. As the days passed, however, they’d always reach a point when...

Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ 3rd Virtual Edition: 2024 Competition Overview - March 30 Update!

Ready for it?! The complete set of rules and theme description for the third virtual edition of Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ are here, which means you can safely start planning and even making your entries! And, since the competition is online, anyone (13 years of age or older) anywhere in the world can enter!...

FeaturedToolbox Talk

Toolbox Talk: Shortening

The first time I heard about shortening was when an American colleague couldn't find it for a recipe she planned to make for Thanksgiving dinner. When she served sweet potatoes covered with melted marshmallows, I wasn't immediately...

Every Little Detail with Aproned Artist: Attack of the Kraken

Around this time last year, I made a treasure chest cookie and declared pirates to be my new favorite theme. This year, I'm sticking with the theme and tapping into pirate lore. What can strike fear in the hearts of the most hardened pirates? What can snap a ship in two like a twig?...

Every Little Detail with Aproned Artist: A Scorpion for a Scorpio

When I was younger, my sister and I used to scramble to grab the newspaper to read our horoscopes. I’m a Virgo. My horoscope was always predictably mundane - “Today you will clean the house . . .” or something equally boring. The symbol for my zodiac sign is a...
